Part 14

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The sun set while you stood transfixed in the window overlooking the city that had given and taken so much from you. You wanted to scream, you wanted to tear the curtains from their rails, you wanted to run through the streets with a torch and burn it all to ash. But you stood still while Aemond became a maelstrom, whirling around the room packing what essentials he could fit into the satchels that had arrived with you.

At some point Aemond disappeared, leaving you with Ser Negan who stood at your back after failing to elicit any conversation from you. Though you didn't talk, you still listened. Ser Negan spoke of Nate's courage and how he would be proud to have given his life for his family, for his sister and his niece he would never meet. Instead of making you feel better it only made you feel worse.

"We are leaving now," Aemond said as he rushed into the room, waves of rage rolling off him.

"They are here?" Ser Negan asked as he picked up on the tension pricking the room, Aemond's eye searching the shadows for foe.

Aemond blinked and you dreaded the words there were to follow the thick swallow took, nothing good followed that. "Jaehaerys is dead," his pause was heavy, "a son for a son."

You felt his guilt knowing it was retribution for Lucerys dying by his hand, just as Daemon had died by yours. Now you had both lost people you cared for.

"We need to leave, princess," Aemond repeated as he cupped your face, turning you away from the blood red streaks on the horizon.

"My brother." Panic suddenly filled your chest as you realised you had left him behind, the return trip from the docks to Red Keep still a blur like a nightmare that you couldn't quite remember but innately knew it was terrible. "What about my brother?"

Ser Negan dropped a heavy hand on your shoulder and gave it a squeeze. "He is being prepared for his final journey to the homeland. I will return with him and keep the death watch."

"You have my gratitude," you said with a quiet voice that was unfamiliar to your ears. "I shall have need of a personal guard as heir," you choked over the word and took a moment to regain your composure, "if you so choose, I would appreciate your continued loyalty."

Ser Negan bowed his head and thumped his fist to his chest. "You never have to ask, little sparrow, my sword is yours to command."

Aemond curled his arm around your back ready to lead you from the room but you stopped and looked back at Negan. "Will you escort us to the Dragon Pit?"

Aemond's men had already failed to stop one child assassin so he did not argue with your request, letting the commander fall into step behind you with his hand ready on his sword.

"Aemond, please," Alicent cried as she blocked the way to the gates, the wails of a broken mother echoing down into the courtyard. "You need not leave, not when your family needs you, your brother needs you here. Think of them ."

"I'm sorry, mother," Aemond said with a detached voice as he watched the wide open space warily. "Until this day, the Red Keep was silently under siege and you knew about it, turning a blind eye to the spies within the walls. I am thinking of my family, that is why I must do this. My child comes first, though that might be something you are unfamiliar with."

"That is not fair," Alicent said as she slapped Aemond, the harsh sting stirring you from the stupor you had slipped into. "Everything I have done is for you and your siblings. I don't even recognise you anymore."

The light in his pale eye faded at the insult. "Because I am no longer a pawn for you to use in your machinations?"

Her hand rose to slap him again but you caught her wrist in a tight grip that left her wincing. "I am no longer just another princess, Alicent, you would do well to remember that before you strike my future consort." You shoved her hand away and caressed your fingertips over the red hand print burning on Aemond's cheek.

Midnight Blades [Aemond Targaryen x female!reader]Where stories live. Discover now