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dan panted heavily as he slammed the oak door behind him. he shuffled off his shoes as fast as he could, and tripped up the stairs.

as he made it to his room he peaked out the window to see phil slowly strutting his way in the pouring rain. he seemed unfazed, but when he had picked dan up, he felt how cold phil was.

the door slammed and dans mind was racing. he didn't understand why phil was being the way he was, why did he get so hostile when he found out dan had known charlie?

dan let out a harsh breath before exiting his room, the carpet floors soft under his feet, making his footsteps silent.

he heard phil rustling around in the utensil drawer, the metals clanking together made dan flinch.

as dan tip toed to the bathroom, he pulled up his phone to his contacts. sending a quick text to charlie.

d: hey

dan sent it without a second thought in mind, and began to type out the next text.

d: how do you know phil?

it only took a second for dans phone to buzz.

c: knew it wouldn't take long for you to text pretty boy.

dan almost gagged at the pet name, he hated being called pretty. even elliot called him pretty at times, but he was always to afraid to speak up.

d: so?

c: so??? u coming over??

d: no i just want to know how you know phil

dan was practically pacing in the bathroom at this point, after five minutes charlie had still not got back to him.

dan texted again yet no response ever came through, dans eyebrows furrowed together out of confusion.

a light knock on the bathroom door had brought dan out of his trance. dan gulped, petrified that phil was on the other side.

his shoulders tensed as he unlocked the door, what  if charlie texted phil?

the door opened slightly, dan slightly peaked to see helen. he let out a breath of relief, and opened the door fully.

"hi sweet pea." helen said gently with a smile, bringing dan in for a hug. "are you doing okay?"

"yeah, i'm doing fine. how was work?" dan lied through his teeth. in reality he felt like a trainwreck. today had been awful for him.

helens face beamed with a smile, "it was awesome daniel! they promoted me to assistant manager," she began excitedly.

dan smiled, "oh wow nan, thats amazing!" he cheered.

"yes isn't it! this weekend me and amanda will be going to our managers meeting in manchester." she added.

"managers meeting? so you'll be gone for the day?" dan questioned.

"well matthew and i talked about it and we might get a hotel there for the weekend. he's never been and i'd love to show him around!" helen beamed. dan noticed her excitement, and how he hasn't seen her this happy in a while.

a weekend. alone. with phil. no.

dan hesitated before giving his grandma a smile. "well i hope you two have fun. you deserve it." dan said shyly, avoiding his anxious thoughts about this upcoming weekend.

the trees rustling together outside dans window were almost deafening, the rain had turned to hail and a storm surrounded the city of london.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 03, 2024 ⏰

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