epidosde two.

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I felt fine, much more than normal. I told myself no one as weird as me should feel this sudden nonchalant feeling after what I just done.

I faintly sigh with relief entering the chattering classroom, but my body stopped.

My body felt weak, my legs couldn't move.

This was something else, what was it? My eyes search around the crowded room, eyes becoming glued onto the old caucasian police officer standing there with his partner who looked exactly like him but bigger.

I take a seat, pulling the screeching chair out beside Munir hearing a faint throat clear from one of the officers standing beside Mr Potter, our visual arts teacher.

"I suppose some of you have heard, one of your classmates, Precious Bailey was brutally murdered just outside of the school last night —and yes, we're still investigating this—"

"So, are you saying no school or something? Because I'm more than glad to help you out officer." Hassan raised his hands up with a cheeky comment chuckling lightly, "I'll help investigate—"

I stared at him with an unusual look, eyes avoiding the caucasian officer everytime I glance around the room.

I sigh in my palms with my hands digging into my face, sighing even more listening to Hassan's chuckle from the corner of my ear. Begging for this first period to be over and done with. I just can't stand his presence at all today.

"No help, but thank you for offering." The officer says bluntly in return. His eyes began to slowly draw itself towards Hassan's direction, he gazes him down squinting his eyes making it obvious for the whole class to notice.

But no one paid attention to the officer more than me, the officer clears his throat, "Not because we don't need your student's help, because my team back down at Florida PD suspects one of you, or anyone in this school is related to the crime, or is hiding the truth and scared to speak up."

Hassan and I make eye contact, exchanging both worried looks thinking deep down that they've caught to us already... it hasn't even been 48 hrs yet.

"No need to panic class!" Mr Potter chuckles nervously, throwing his hands up in the defense to quiet down the room, "I'm sure we can't be sitting with the killer, don't be stupid guys. Anything else officer?" Mr Potter asks.

"Oh—and, yes! In the next few days there will be an investigator interviewing each student in the school. It's nothing big." At first only a few people were actually listening to the police officer, but all of a sudden everyone stopped listening after he dropped 'nothing big'

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