episode three.

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The expression sadness painted across everyone's face, even mine. I felt heartbroken from this vigil and the wrongs I've caused and done. I take a deep sigh following behind the crowd marching towards the vigil inhaling the gloomy air.

Attempting to try and hide the small set of a tears that unexpectedly slid down my face wetting the side of my cheek. I was disconsolate, I couldn't word out why I was feeling this way if someone had asked me, I was just sad.

The air was cold and ominous, the dark clouds above us represented itself correctly— darkening the area mirroring the pile of emotions spreading around us.

Every hand held a white candle stick around their palms with an orange airy flame swaying in sync with the cool breeze. Other hands held missing person posters of Hussein in the air above their heads chanting small chants so the whole neighbourhood could hear us.

There was a large amount of us. Hussein was loved, his disappearance brought so many attention and awareness towards every family. But it also brought frustration towards Hassan.

I caught Hassan from the glimpse of my eye in the distance with his family, pulling my right hand out in the air swaying them to the side mouthing a small, "hey" attempting to catch his attention Hassan jogs heading my way, "You alright?" I ask with concern, saddening my eyes at the forced smile he attempted to bring out but failed.

"I miss him man." I pull Hassan into my arms with a small embrace, hearing his light sniffles radio against my ear. "I always think about that last time all three of us were behind the library, sneaking outside passing our curfew's." Hassan spoke lightly, wiping his tears gently.

I stood there with my hands wrapped around his, moving my nose from the strong sent of liqour rushing up my nose. Hating the fact that he was drinking at this very moment.

I sigh squinting my eyes trying to remember if it was the back of the library or the junk yard we all last seen each other. That day had so many ups and downs, it shown me that twin siblings really could sometimes despise each other really harshly.

Back then Hassan truly never liked his brother unless he was with me. And I know that I haven't lived with the twins but deep down, my heart knew they hated each other with a passion.

"We'll find him soon Hassan, your brother will get justice." I tell him hearing the sniffles stop for a second, before I could let my mouth say anything else he changed the topic, his whole demeanour changed, the alcohol was finally hitting him.

"I saw you in your dad's office today, couldn't find you at lunch." Hassan says lightly whispering against my ear still hugging me. "I supposed you were deleting camera footage or hiding shit from me. Hope it was deleting camera footage."

I chuckle lightly, stopping instantly from the tight pull of a hug he had just returned to me. "Why would I hide shit from you? Man get the fuck off." I spat with irritation, kissing my teeth attempting to pull him off me, he wasn't budging. "Dude."

"Corey? Do you think I'm going to let you bring me down with your shit bro? Do you think I'm stupid?" As much as I found the body first, my friends never saw me kill precious with my own hands. Her blood got in contact with me but no one saw me. What Hassan was saying confused me to the max.

"Man." I tell him with a motionless stare as others continued to walk past us, ruffling pushing him off me Hassan stumbled on his feet falling onto the concrete butt first.

He was heated, steaming as if he were a cartoon character with grey air smoke puffing through his ears. Hassan was embarrassed. He had nothing to say to me, just a cold fiery stare. I think my friend despises me now.


I ran into Sahar a few walks in from Hussein's candle light vigil, she was by herself surprisingly. Just her and her little candle in her right hand. I watched the orange flames dance from the distance trying to catch up to her, I wanted to apologise how I spoke to her yesterday in school, it was rude, especially coming from me.

I guess I was just annoyed at the fact her phone was her main attention other than me speaking to her.

But she beat me to it, "Hey Corey." Sahar already knew my presence was made around her, she shifts her neck around eyes locking with mine. "Sorry for not paying attention yesterday, I was trying to sort some things out with Carter."

I roll my eyes hearing the male name that curled around her tongue. Carter is her boyfriend, they breakup and make up every few weeks and so. They are the most unbreakable couple in Cutler, only because they've been high school sweethearts since 9th grade.

"That's alright, I apologise too. I didn't know what was catching your attention on your phone yesterday and it's fine." I smile with a faint sigh walking towards our last stop at the vigil before we let out the sky lanterns in the air. "Do you think they'll ever find Husseins body?"

Sahar shrugs, lost of an answer. "I'm not sure it's been years Corey, I wonder if the police found out who killed that girl behind the schools we seen."

"Could be anyone in school and we don't even know." I say feeling the light touch of Sahar's fingers touching the side of my forearm. "What is it?"

She points over to a dark alley in the distance, she stops me whilst stopping herself in her tracks. "Can you see Hassan over there?" She asks, I squint my eyes convincing myself I see a little figure of Hassan in the alleyway but my eyes couldn't tell, it was pitch black... all you could see is black.

"Sahar, there's no one there." Sahar sucks her teeth in annoyance, yanking the side of my forearm dragging the two of us closer to the alleyway, away from the entrance so whoever's inside wouldn't be able to see us. "Remind me why we are near this creepy shit—" her finger sealed my lips shut, she whispers a small 'shush' in my ears directing her eyes towards the alleyway.

Then there it was, a voice, two. The voices weren't clear they were muttered, but sounded like two males. Sahar and I attempt to go closer, closer and quiet not making a single sound.

Then the voice slowly started to become clearer, and I began to hear Hassan. The words 'I think I know where my brother's body's buried, but I need to know will I get protection if I tell you?'

The silence Sahar and I shared was loud and clear, we were struck with shock— lost of words but still confused and what he exactly meant from protection? Does Hassan know something?


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