episode one.

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"Don't tell them shit! and keep your mouth shut, alright? We saw nothing just then, we were drunk! It's just cctv, I'll handle it."

Hassan's words barely moved around everyone's head, by the looks of the faces of our friends they were scared for shits, each one of us.

For the first time of my life, I was scared— scared because I lied— scared because I think I killed that innocent girl that went missing for months— scared that hassan knows this was my mistake, our mistake.


"Y'all heard him, let's just go guys. Everyone's going to know sooner or later that we're missing from the party." I told everyone with a fake smile, breathing out a shaky air like I wasn't trembling in fear.

Tonight was one of my boys, Damon's 18th birthday, same house, same location where i had one of my episodes I couldn't remember at all.

"Back to reality," I tell myself hearing the loud music flow from one ear to another.

The floors feeling sticky as usual due to the amount of drinks and what not that have touched the ground, the strong scent of weed and alcohol and the amount of girls wearing skims like it was party clothes.


"Really Jacorey?" Sahar, one of my close childhood friends calls me out, I watch her push through the crowded living room holding onto the most disgusted face she barely has on.

And just when I saw that facial expression, i already knew what the conversation was going to be about, which I didn't have time for. So I looked away, "Are you serious Corey?"

"Yes, I'm serious Sahar." I tell her with a slight attitude, eyes not meeting with hers, back facing her face walking through the crowds of sweaty arms and bad BO. "Hassan already told us to drop the shit." I tell her, and she didn't like it.

She pulls me by my arm, I suck my teeth, removing her hands off mine running a hand down my face. "Hassan was damn near drunk! And you expect us to act blind like we didn't just see a dead body in Damon's basement? What the fuck Jacorey?!" She whispers harshly.

"Man ion know what the fuck I saw, that shit looked like a damn doll with ketchup Sahar." I lied in her face, and she could see it too. Sahars eyebrows drop, sick at the fact I lied to her. "I promise I had nothing to do with it, if that's what you're thinking."

"I know you had nothing to do with it Corey, it's just that..."

"Just what girl?" I question her, leaning on the wall dapping one of my friends who had just walked by, "It was just a dead body, what do you want us to do? Call the police?"

Sahar nods, "Yes, Jacorey. Is that not what every normal person would do." I shrug at her response, "Well, I'm very much a normal person and will most definitely call the police."

"You're not calling the police Sahar, period. Did you not see that body? It looked about a month old, and when the police arrive, they'll notice that shit too. And who would they blame first?" I stare at her with an obvious look, waiting until her head final clicks.

"Us?" She says unsurely, embarrassed at first.

"Exactly, so let it go. We saw nothing. And don't ask me how I know it looks about a month old, mind your business. We don't want the same thing to repeat like what happened to Hassan's brother." I tell her, creating a loud silence.

Bringing up Hassan's brother felt like the icing on the cake to keep her mouth shut, not because he's dead, because he's missing. And the police put us through hell thinking we were involved, it killed us, Sahar had the worst experience, but—

Why would we be involved in our friends twin brother's disappearance?


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