Dreams and Nightmares

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The sky was a mixture of yellow, red, and orange. The clouds peacefully floated, the wind calmly blowing away the orange Autumn leaves. Jedediah looks around to see fields of grass, being slightly blown because of the wind. The blonde was placed in a sitting position on the soft but ticklish grass.

He wonders to himself where he is, as he keeps thinking, he hears the cheerful and happy laughter of both a younger boy and an older man. Jedediah stands up, and walks over to where the laughter was to see his youngest brother Ira laughing alongside his older brother Austin.

For some reason, he feels a spark of joy. Tears suddenly fill his eyes as the Texan runs up to them “Austin! Ira!” he shouts, the two gingers look at him with a confused expressions. Jedediah immediately hugs them when he reaches them, pushing them down to the ground.

Ira laughs while Austin makes struggled noises “Haha! Jed, what's wrong?” the youngest asked in a happy tone, Jedediah doesn't answer, he doesn't know how to answer, he just keeps hugging them as he tries to hold back his tears.

“Hey, what's happening here?” the blonde hears another voice say, he looks up to see Peter sitting beside them “Pete... C'mere!” Jedediah exclaimed, Ira pulled his big brother into the hug and now the four of them are hugging.

Peter and Austin make strained noises but Ira doesn't say anything “..Jed, let go... Ma and pa are lookin’ for ya..” Peter managed to say. Jedediah lets go of the hug to look at Peter with a sad and puzzled expression “Pete... Ma and pa aren't..”

“Junior! C'mon, need yer help!” a deep voice called, the Texan immediately knew who it was and he quickly got up and ran over to where the voice was “Pa?!” he couldn't help but exclaim.

He sees a little shack, his mother sitting on the rocking chair by the porch, his father talking to a brunette man and... There was a blonde little girl playing by the grass.

The Texan makes his way to them “Pa? W-who's that?” he asks. His father looks at him and smiles “Jj, you don't know Octavius?” as he finishes saying that, the brunette man turns around to reveal his friend Octavius, smiling at him.

Jedediah puts on a puzzled expression “Then... Who's the tot?” he asked once more, pointing to the little girl “Jed, no more questions. C'mon I need yer help. I also need to talk to you..” his father said, whispering the last part to his son.

Jedediah didn't knew what was happening, nor did he knew where he was, but he felt happy. He saw his mother and father again, even if it's from a dream, he gets to see them once more.

As him and his father get away from the little shack, leaving Jed's mother, Octavius, and the little girl there for a while, Jedediah's father stops in his tracks.

“Pa? Something wrong?” the blonde asked, Jedediah Sr. Wasn't facing him, this made the blonde a bit anxious “Pa?” he asked, putting his hand on the older man's shoulder.

Before Jed could say anything, his father turns around, eyes completely black as goop start to flow down his face. The older man's hair slowly turning into snakes hissing at Jedediah. The skies turn black, no more comforting skies to look at anymore, the supposed to be grass turned into a watery pool of black goop.

“Jedediah... You've disappointed me boy..” Jedediah Sr. Says, as he somehow towers over his son “Pa! What're you talking about?!” the Texan asked, his father points at him “I told you to look after your brothers but it seems that you haven't been doing a good job..”

The blonde shakes his head repetitively “No! Pa, I got a job to help Austin! I've been talkin’ to Peter ‘bout him growing up! A-and I've been helping Ira with his school work even though I don't understand ‘em!” he falls to his knees, he hugs himself.

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