chapter 9

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Augustus flies in the sky carefully, looking down on the small town below him, today he had no work in the library, but that doesn't mean that his superhero duties also have rest days.

Earlier, Cruz told him that a fellow officer discovered something, in an abandoned house deep inside the woods but they couldn't investigate more since they accidentally broke their legs while in the forest. Mr. Armstrong told Augustus he should go there with an officer for backup, Augustus couldn't say no, and today Lancelot was with him.

After flying for more than 10 minutes, he finally sees the dark green leafs of the trees. He flies back down to the ground to check on Lancelot, who was driving in the police car.

The brunette taps gently on the car window, catching Lancelot's attention and signaling him to stop the vehicle since this is where they'll start walking.

After a few more minutes, Lancelot parks the car and gets out with a utility belt tied around his waist. The blonde and the hero enter the forest, a faint trail serving them as a guide to where the house might be at “I wonder why there even is a house in this forest.” Lancelot mutters out.

“I don't know either, but it seemed like whoever owned it just wanted to be alone.” the brunette voiced out, making Lancelot chuckle “Yeah, I guess that's one reason.”

A few more minutes pass by, both the officer and the hero talk about their responsibilities, like how Lancelot has to sometimes get the snacks for the other officers just because he's the newest in the team, or how annoying it is for Augustus to keep fighting the explorer.

“And then he had the audacity to tell me to mind my own business! Can you believe that?” Augustus exclaimed, causing Lancelot to laugh “Man, he really sounds more annoying when you tell the story!” both men laugh.

They laugh for a couple more minutes until the laughter dies down, maybe because of the abandoned house Infront of them.

“Do you think this is it?” the officer asked, Augustus shrugs “I don't see any other houses here so yeah.”

They step on the porch, and open the door, causing it to creek eerily. Augustus steps inside first and then Lancelot, they look around but all they see is broken floorboards, shattered glass on the floor, and they even smell something rotting.

“I feel like someone must've died in here.” the blonde mumbles to himself, Augustus keeps looking, until something had caught his attention. A floorboard with a handle on it made it stick out “Lancelot, come here I found something.”

The hero grabs the handle and pulls it upwards, revealing a set of stairs leading even down to the ground “Well this just got more creepy.”

Both of them walk down, Augustus in front with a flashlight in his hands, and Lancelot behind him with a bat–just in case. They keep walking down until the trail of stairs end and they see total darkness, but Augustus shines light on it revealing laboratory equipment and a device you can strap people into.

As they walk closer, a horrid smell was present, both men was trying their best not to gag or throw up during this.

The blonde officer was in awe “Why would this be here..?” he quietly asks. Augustus walks closer to the equipment and there he sees test tube racks with full test tubes containing red liquid, some were green liquids.

The hero almost touches the tubes but before he could, Lancelot stops him “Wait! Augustus!” the hero quickly turns around to see Lancelot taking something from his utility belt, the bat was placed in a corner “What is it?” the brunette asked.

The cop takes out a couple of gloves “We don't want to contaminate the evidence.”

Both of them wear gloves and Augustus continues with what he was doing. He grabbed the test tube with red liquid and inspected it.

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