chapter 16

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It was night time as Augustus flew through the sky, looking over the city he loved. Tonight he was patrolling while wearing the new costume he got, his uncle told him he should at least look fashionable while fighting crime.

The Italian was wearing his signature helmet, a big persian red scarf with the same colored cape hanging on his back right now. He wore a shiny chest plate with the strap of his cape across his chest, of course the brunette wore something under all of this, a red sheet of fabric wich he made it into his very own toga.

But enough of that, the wind was strong tonight and it made Augustus shiver. Since the snow was still falling it made it a bit hard for the hero to fly and look out on the streets for something suspicious.

Just then, he saw a large unsettling shadow run through the streets of Yorktown, it was something new for the brunette, so out of curiosity he flew lower, near the buildings just to keep track of the shadow.

The shadow stops and goes to an alleyway, Augustus quietly lands on the thick snow, trying his best to not make any sound. He enters the alleyway, it was a close space with only garbage scattered around, and even though it was very dark tonight, he sees a girl rummaging through the garbage.

She had plum purple colored hair with those horn buns hairstyle, as well as long pigtails hanging down, almost reaching the ground. It looked like the hairstyle the Wicked Lady had in Sailor moon.

The hero takes another step to look at the girl better, but the snow crunches, making the girl quickly look back at her “Crap!” they yelp, before a large shadow eats her up and they disappear. Augustus looks around him and sees a shadow quickly running past him and farther away from him.

“Cacas! huc redi!” he shouts, the hero starts flying as fast as he can to try and catch up with the large shadow.

As he keeps following the shadow, he sees it heading to the forest, and of course the hero follows. He tries to track the shadow but sees the girl again, just standing in the forest. They were panting, she seems to be out of breath and Augustus thought that he could use this as a chance to capture her.

The hero tries to walk quietly, he takes a step closer and closer to them, the brunette takes another step but he hears the snow crunch once more, he looks down to his feet and quickly look back at the girl, who was now looking at him. The lady ran, and so did Augustus.

“Get back here!” he shouts, as he tries to keep track of them, Augustus was trying to avoid the branches in his way whilst still running. The mysterious person looked back at him and yelled “No way! I'd rather go with the Explorer than with you!”

The girl runs faster and Augustus does the same. They fortunately end up at the end of the forest, a big and steep hill serving as a dead end for the young lady, Augustus smirks “Tell me who you are and how that shadow made you disappear!” the hero demanded.

The lady turns around, the moonlight illuminating her and it gives Augustus the perfect chance to look at them, they had black skin with lime green eyes that stuck out. She wore a choker necklace as well as an off-shoulder crop top with dark purple leather straps. They wore an evening glove on the right hand and a long fingerless glove on the other hand. They were also wearing a purple half-skirt made for punks, but what really stood out to Augustus was that the lady standing in front of him looked like a teenager.

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