Christmas chapter

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Octavius was putting books back in their proper shelves, he hummed happily to himself. He was very delighted that he was finally out of the hospital and back on his feet.

His father however, keeps telling him to take it easy and lay off the hero work for at least another week. But Octavius himself didn't want that, he wants to patrol tomorrow night and make sure this little city he was living in was safe from the threat's of the Explorer or the Pharaoh.

The brunette slides the last book in it's proper shelf and smiles That's done, I should go back to the front desk to see if anyone needs help he thought to himself, the Italian starts walking back to the front desk and sees Jedediah standing there, seemingly bored.

He steps closer, “Finished with your work?” he asks, catching the blonde's attention. Jedediah nods “Yeah actually, not much people c'mere anyways.” he said, mumbling the last part. Octavius chuckles at this and Jed couldn't help but smile at his friend.

The brunette's chuckling slowly fades, as he turns to Jedediah again “So, what are you planning to do for Christmas?”

The blonde shrugs “I don't know actually...Was planning on getting my brothers gifts but I still don't have much money on me to get ‘em expensive gifts.”

Octavius raises an eyebrow, “Why do you need to get them expensive gifts? I'm sure ordinary gifts will be fine.” the Texan sighs “I just.. they're my brothers, they deserve only the’ if I don't give ‘em the best then I'm a terrible brother.”

This leaves Octavius silent, he thinks to himself as he looks around the library. After a few more minutes, he manages to find the right words to say “Well I don't think you're a terrible brother...I think you're a good brother.”

Jed quickly turns his head over to his friend “Really? How could you say that?” he asks, his face making an unsure look. Octavius smiles gently “For starters, it's obvious you love your brothers a lot, you'd do so much for them. Second, you make sure they're safe. Like on Halloween, you came back for them to make sure they were both safe. Then my third reason is right now, you said it yourself that you want only what's best for them. Those are enough reasons for me to believe you're a good brother.”

Jedediah blushes slightly, hearing these from Octavius somehow made him feel reassured. The Texan looks away from his friend and back to his surroundings. “Thanks, I just don't feel like I'm doin’ a perfect job at bein’ a brother. I wanna be the perfect brother to all of ‘em, that's all..” he says, as a frown settles on his face.

Octavius sighs “Jed, you're not a perfect brother, no one is. And that's alright, what matters is that you're doing the best you can.” Octavius assures, a small yet warm smile on his face.

Jedediah looks back at his friend and smiles as well “Y'know, you're a really good person Octy.” the blonde said, smiling brightly.

Octavius huffs, trying to stop his cheeks from blushing “Okay, enough chitchat, we should get back to work since mrs. Sacajawea is at the hospital right now.”

Jed chuckles and straightens his back “You're right, let's do our best today Tavi.” both of them smile as they get back to work.

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