part 8-𝘁𝗵𝗶𝘀 𝗜𝗦 𝘆𝗼𝘂𝗿 𝗵𝗼𝗺𝗲

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2nd person POV

tw: gaslighting, manipulation, teeny tiny violence

You woke up, breathing heavily through your nose, beeds of sweat covering your forhead. As you turned your head to look around, you took in your surroundings. You were in a dark room with barely any light. Your arms and legs were tied to a chair. "mmfh?!" you tried speaking even tho only a muffled sound came out because of the cloth stuffed inside your mouth. Tears picked at the corners of your eyes, as you struglled to move. You pulled at your hands but stopped as soon as as the burning sensation of ropes touched your bare skin. You wince into the cloth and squint your eyes closed. "what the hell is happening.. Where am i?" You thought as you tried to recall what happened. Your mind was hazy, making any memory from what happened blurry. After a few moments you tried struggling again "MmmFffH!!" you muffled as tears began rolling down your cheeks. When you finally realized you were in a basement where no one could hear you, you stopped. Also because it was hard to breath when you were practically choking on tears. You threw your head back and tried to steady your breathing. Your heart was was getting slower with each breath  you took. After you calmed down, you looked around to look around once more.Posibly to find something tjat would help you get free. Nothing. the room was almost empty with nothing that could help you get out. Clearly the person who kidnapped you wasn't dumb.

Some time later.

Quiet. It was utterly quiet and it was driving you insane. You have been sitting in a dark room with no sound beside your quiet sobbing. You have already lost track of time , waiting for something to happen. You were tired and thirsty, yet there was nothing you could do. But then you saw light turning on outside of the door. Your heartbeat quickened as fear clouded your head. You heard the lock on the other side of the door unlocking. The door opened and your eyes widened at the sight. There stood the one and only Patrick Hockstetter infront of you, with a creepily adoring grin on his face.As your memories of what happened came back. Your so called 'friend' aproached you as more tears crept in the corners of your eyes. He knelt in front of you and his grin widened upon seeing your seeing your feared expression. "Rise and shine princess" he cooed as her put his hand up to your cheek to caresse it. You fliched at the touch and turned your haid away from him. He frowned and took your chin in his hand, making you look at him. "now now, princess.. don't be afraid" he chuckled as he caressed your cheek, wiping away your tears. He then reached behind your head with both hands. "now, when i take this off, promise you wont scream? If you do, i might have to do something neither of us will like" He told you a bland lie. He would most defenitly enjoy doing whatever he had in mind. Whether it be him slapping you and draging you by your hair.. or something worse. he would most defenitly enjoy watching his one and only in pain. On the other hand, he still loves you more than anything. So as much fun as it sounded, he was hesitant about hurting you. When you started nodding furiously, he slowly removed the cloth, a sring of saliva connecting the cloth and your lips. He looked at you, waiting for you to scream or say anything at all. But you didn't. You just sat there, breathing heavily through your mouth. He put the cloth on the ground, his eyes never leaving your puffy, red ones. When your breathing calmed down, you looked into your lap. "Obedient girl" He cooed, quite proud of himself. But honestly if you weren't so tired, you would have screamed. But you didn't have energy for that. "Patrick....why?" you said meekly, your throat sore and tired. "what do you mean why?" parick questioned as he started searching through the plastic bag. "You must be so thirsty, my poor girl" He said, taking out a water bottle and unscrewing the lid. 

3rd person POV

Her eyes sparkled, being so thirsty she was greatful for anything. Patrick put the bottle to the e/c girls lips. She opened her mouth and started drinking the water slowly. "Good job~" Is what Patrick said, when you were done. "You're doing so good for me~" He praised and you couldn't help but blush just the tiniest bit. "Are you hungry? You must be.. After all, you've been out for two days. I was getting worried" He said blandly, taking out y/f/c (ur food of choice)

After you ate because i don't want to write that shit

"Okay let me tell you how this will go. I'll untie you and you won't try anything stupid. If you do as i say, you don't have to be locked up in the basement. You can roam around the gouse freely. But if you try ANYTHING that i don't like. You won't get away without a punishment. Am i clear?" The tall boy said with a stern voice. "yeah.." the h/c girl said with a low tone, too scared to protest. "good." He started unting her legs first. when he fully untied her, he too her hand in his and she stoop up on wobbly legs. "carefull there, sweetheart. Don't break on me now." The ravenette said, picking her up bridal-style. The girl blushed as he carried her outside the basement. The house they were in was decent sized for two people, and it looked really nice. The e/c girl looked around as he carried her to a bedroom. The bedroom  Was big. It had a king sized bed, coffee brown walls and a normal sized wardrobe. (plus some other stiff like a table and other furniture) Patrick sat y/n on the bed and then sat next to her. "um..Patrick?" y/n asked looking at the green eyed boy. "what's up, princess?" He replied, cocking an eyebrow.  "When will you let me go home..?" Y/n asked, a little unsure if that's a good question. "what?" Patricks stomach twisted in anger, as he grabbed y/n by her hair. The small girl hissed in pain as she grabbed his hands trying to pull them away. "This IS your home. What kind of fucking question is that?" He glared at her as he gripped her hair harder, making the poor girl on the verge of tears. "don't EVER as me that again. Understand?" she nodded. "UNDERSTAND?!" He yelled. "y-yes!" y/n said, flinching at the sound. "Okay good. Now lay down and sleep." he said, letting go of her and kissing the top of her head. Y/n layed down onto the cool sheets witjhouth any other words, one single tear dropping down her face. Patrick layed down next to her and covered them both in a blanket. He put his slender arms around her waist, cuddling her close to him. The e/c girls breath hitched at the feeling of his cold hands around her waist. He placed soft, soothing kisses on the place he previously held in his strong gtip,and whisper to the girl before him, stuff like: "I love you" "i'm sorry for hurting you" "It was your fault for asking such a stupid question" "You know i just did that to protect you." 

2nd person POV 

And you slowly started to belive that what he said was true. It didn't take long for you to fall asleep and the same goes for patrick. So you slept. Curled up next to each other, with patricks arms wrapped around your frame.


THIS IS BECOMING HARSHHHH. But that's it for today, see you in the next chapter!!


"ʏᴏᴜ'ʟʟ ʟᴇᴀʀɴ ᴛᴏ ʟᴏᴠᴇ ᴍᴇ" (Yandere Patrick Hockstetter x reader)Where stories live. Discover now