Part 10-𝒚𝒐𝒖'𝒍𝒍 𝒍𝒆𝒂𝒓𝒏 𝒕𝒐 𝒍𝒐𝒗𝒆 𝒎𝒆

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Tw: violence, blah blah blah Patrick being the example of a bad 'boyfriend' you get the point

2nd person POV

You woke up the next day, surprisingly in the bed you woke up the day before, and not on the couch you fell asleep on. As you blinked you realized it was probably still early because the sun wasnt completely up yet.  You felt Patricks arm wrapped around your wastist and you melted into the bed sheets and covers, leaning against Patricks chest. Patricks head was in the croock of your neck, as he slept soundlessly. Although you didn't see him you thought he looked (more like felt) peacfull. You knew it was bad to think that way about someone who you know as your kidnapper. But Patrick was never mean to you. Even before all this. Sure, he was a little weird here and there, but he NEVER tried to do anything that would hurt you. (not talking about the drugging part ofc) You couldn't help feeling a little less anxious then you did the day before. Which is understandable since that may have been the scariest day of your life. The clow incident being a close second. You heard as Patrick took a deep breath in, and he blowed the hot air into the vroock of your neck, and your shoulder. You shiver at the contact and he smiles against your skin. "Ho back to sleep doll, it's still early" He said in a sleepy voice. How did he know you were awake? Is what you though before nodding slowly and closing your eyes. You didn't fall asleep, but it convinced Patrick, so you just stayed like that for about an hour. When Patrick woke up. he took a hold of your fragile figure, and flipped you over. You yelped at the action making him chuckle. He took your chin in his hand, making you look at him. For a moment he just stared at you, admiring your face. You couldn't deny that this made you flustered and uncomfortable. You turned your gaze away from his hungry eyes, as that was the best you could do with his hand gripping your chin. "Look at me." Patrick said, and you did out of fear. His eyes softened upon making eye contact. You were about to speak, but you wer cut off by Patrick pressing his chapped lips onto yours, giving you a soft kiss. His stomach fluttered with butterflies which seemed to slightly die down when he didn't feel you kiss back. Key word: sligtly. You started at him with wide eyes as you blushed beet red.  he pulled away and you both just looked into one anothers eyes. "why did you-" "shh don't say anything" you said and Patrick cut you off. He got up and unlocked the door, walking out and locking it again. "wait, d-don't-!" You 'shouted' not very loud as your voice was week. you sighed as you sat up and bought your weak legs up to your stomach, using your hands. Your legs were starting to move but you still felt like a new born lamb. You hugged your knees, laying your head on them. You just didn't know what to do. You knew no one was looking for you because your parents probably didn't even notice that you're gone.

you wanted to see if you could walk so you scrabeled over to the edge of the bed. You stood on wobbly legs as you tried walking over to the door. You took a few steps but your legs gave up on you, and you fell to the ground with a 'thud'. "Fuck, shit" you mumbled as you felt uttery stupid. You got up and fell back down with a whine. "I hate this, i hate not being able to walk" You got up again, with a pout on your face. You wanted to get your legs moving no matter what. (even tho the drug didn completely wear off just yet. So like, ur dumb lololo) After a few more failed attepmts you give up and lay on the floor. "ugh this is not fair" you mumble into the ground.

Patricks POV

As i get back home from the store, I hear multiple thuds while locking the door. "what the hell is she doing?" I say quietly, walking towards the kitchen. I put away the instant cup noodles, sodas, milk, eggs, chips and other junk into the shelfs and the fridge (i'm telling you this man DOES NOT know how to grocery shop. Like, AT ALL.) I make my way upstairs and i unlock the door to y/n laying face down on the floor, panting heavily. "What the hell are you doing?" My question seems to bring her attention to me, as her head shoots up to look at me. "u-umm..nothing?" She says sheepishy. "Yeah, right" I said, walking over to her, picking her up and placing her on the bed. 

"ʏᴏᴜ'ʟʟ ʟᴇᴀʀɴ ᴛᴏ ʟᴏᴠᴇ ᴍᴇ" (Yandere Patrick Hockstetter x reader)Where stories live. Discover now