Chapter 36

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Summerslam is coming up soon so I'm guessing that the meeting will be soon. We'll probably go to Connecticut sometime next week, then come back so that we can get cleared by the company medics, and get the official green light. After that, it's all about fine-tuning details, getting back in the ring, and keeping it all under wraps. I'm actually really excited, I've never been a heel before, and I'm really interested in this, I know he is too. This is something he's been after for such a long time that I know he's gonna give it is his all.

Le talked to his father and his cousins, then we talked to my dad, Mel, and Joelle, and to keep things clear and one hundred, we spoke to Galina too. We're still in the summertime but we want to take Jojo with us for as long as we can. On top of that, we do have to figure out what to do about Jojo's schooling. My husband did tell me that he intends to negotiate a part-time contract after a while, sort of like what Brock Lesnar has. We're aware that it won't be possible right away but he's going to insist on it for his health and his family.

He did schedule the meeting and the day of, Lisa and Mel are traveling with us to Connecticut. We left them at my mom's house and drove the three hours to headquarters just to let mom spend some time with the boys and Mel. I know my husband so I know all of his nervous ticks, he's excited about this opportunity but nervous about his counteroffer. I squeezed his hand as we walked into the building and he brought our joined hands up, kissing the back of my hand.

"We got this." I told him.

"Yeah, we do."

"Ariana, you look amazing." Stephanie said, hugging me.

"Thank you, the post-baby body is a miracle." I smiled before hugging her father.

"Stop that, you've always been gorgeous." Vince said.

"I tell her that all of the time but I still catch her in the home gym whenever she has a chance." my husband added.

"My plan was to take my time and get my body to the best it can be, I housed two Samoan babies. It took me a while to get where I wanted to be." I said.

"You look amazing, might I say fitter even then pre-baby." Stephanie added.

"I always knew you were my favorite McMahon." I smiled, making them laugh.

"Where are your babies?" Vince asked as we walked into the office.

"With my mom and Lisa, I might not get them back. Grandma's united."

We sat down and quickly got into the business. They laid out the story in more detail and explained the direction they want it to take. As of right now, there is a list of possible rivalries but they'll cross that road when they get there. I'm really loving this heel turn for us. It's well thought out, well planned, and there's a great opportunity for growth. Both of us are ready for this.

"This is great, I'm ready for you to start." Vince said.

"Do you have any more questions?" Steph asked.

"Not a question, it's more of a request." Le said and I squeezed his knee under the table.

"Go ahead."

"I'm ready to come back, both of us are, but things have changed. I have 3 kids at home now and I don't want to miss out on their lives." he said

"What are you suggesting?" Steph asked.

"I'm aware that this won't be possible in the beginning, maybe a couple of months down the line, but I would like to be at home more. Part-time appearances, I don't plan on giving less than 150% at work but I want my boys to know their dad."

"Like Lesnar?" Vince asked.

"Yes, exactly."

"We can talk about this again in a couple of months when we know how the plan is doing and how it's being received. That's not a no, we'll come back to it in 6-8 months." Vince replied.

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