Chapter 45

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The week before Extreme Rules was so much fun. My triple-threat match with Becky and Bianca was made official, and I'm excited about it. Le has his feud with 'Demon' Balor, and the twins will be feuding with Street Profits. It's gonna be a badass night.

The night of Extreme Rules was the same as any other pay-per-view in the last few months. Jimmy and Jey were the first of The Bloodline, and, of course, they were retained. Then, it was my turn, and it was fun. This isn't my first triple-threat match, but it's the first one I've enjoyed this much. Champion's advantage doesn't count here, so I had to watch myself and be very careful. However, in the end, that didn't even matter. Sasha Banks came out and interrupted the match, attacking Becky and Bianca. I rolled out of the ring and quickly grabbed the belt as the bell rang.

Sasha stood in the ring glaring at me, a look I returned with no problem, and lifted the championship belt that I retained thanks to her. In the back, we hugged and congratulated each other on a banger of a match before heading to medical. Mel was with me, and Le had the twins at his insistence. Even though she knows the matches are somewhat planned, she still worries about me potentially getting hurt again. After some quick stretches, poking, and prodding, I was let go with painkillers and orders for rest.

My husband's match was good, but the ending wasn't what anyone wanted. Finn went up to the top rope for the Coup de Grâce, and the top rope snapped. He fell and hurt his knee, so Le went for the pin to end the match safely. It wasn't the ending that either of them deserved. We watched the EMT's stretcher Finn out of the arena. Everyone worried about him. I found my husband in medical with his head in his hands.

"It wasn't your fault." I told him as the door snapped shut behind me.

"I know ... freak fucking accident. Of all the things to happen, the damn rope snaps. I just don't understand how the hell that happened." he sighed.

"They'll have someone check it, I'm sure. It definitely was weird, and I don't think I've ever seen anything like that before." I agreed, walking over to him.

"How are you feeling?" he asked, wrapping his arms around my waist and dropping his head on my shoulder.

"Normal aches and pains after a match," I said, moving my fingers over the back of his neck and into his hair, massaging his scalp. "What about you?"

"Lots better now." he mumbled, and I felt the tension lessen a little in his neck and shoulders. "I don't know how you do that."

"I know my husband. Want a massage when we get to the hotel?"

"Yeah, that would be good. Let's go to the hospital first." he said.

"Drop Mel and the kids off first."

"Sounds like a plan."

We corralled the kids and their things and dropped them off at the hotel. I helped Mel get them upstairs; they were already asleep, and after tucking them in, I left again. We stopped at the hospital to check on Finn, but we weren't the only ones there. The nurses seemed frazzled, so we went to the waiting room with a few other friends and waited for news. To everyone's relief, there isn't an injury, no fracture, they just gave him some pain medication and told him to be off the knee for a few days. It was just a tough landing, but he didn't hurt himself.

"You ready to go back?" I asked my husband.

"I am, let's go ... you owe me a massage." he smiled.

"That I do, and I always keep my word."

"Thank goodness." he chuckled.

We returned to the hotel, and after a quick shower, I gave my husband the promised massage. I smiled as he groaned, and the tension left his body under my hands. I love to do it for him, and I know that he loves it, too. The little things that we can do anywhere that keep us connected. After the massage, when he was all loose and limber, he fell right asleep. Works every single time and I will take ALL of the credit. So I showered, went to the living room, and ate a bag of M&M's by myself with a large Arizona Iced Tea. The little things make a mom/wife happy, and this is one of them.

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