Chapter 31: A Caravan Named Desire

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"Alright kids, we're about to hit the Dry Swamp." Hop Pop held up a container filled with water. "Here, you're gonna wanna hydrate."

"Sure, I'll have some." Drake took the water and opened it to drink.

"That's okay dude. It's still a swamp. How dry could it be-?" a second later, the landscape had completely changed into a dry desert. Anne had shriveled up from dehydration. She snatched the water from Drake's hand before he could take a sip and poured it on herself. "Gimme that stuff." Sprig and Polly joined the group on the roof of the wagon.

Hop Pop chuckled. "Welcome to the dry swamp, kids. home to giant frog-eating sandworms, bandits, vagabonds. You'd know of course if you'd ever read the classic play, 'Fear the Dry Swamp'" he pulled out a scroll.

The children grumbled knowing what he was going to do next.

Suddenly the sun went out and a bright stage light shown on Hop Pop as he recited the script. "Hark. For I am homeless. I am friendless. I am the dry swamp." then the light went out and the sun came back. "You know, I was this close to getting the lead part once."

"Are we not gonna acknowledge the fact that the sun went out just now? Or even where that light was coming from?" Drake questioned.

The kids ignored him and continued to grumble. Mostly focusing their displeasure at Hop Pop's acting.

"Yep. Before I was a farm frog, your Hop Pop had dreams. Next life, I suppose."

Drake looked back and noticed the grass behind them was getting closer. "Uh guys? I think something's following us."

Suddenly, a giant sandworm emerged from the sand. It snarled at the family causing everyone to scream. The kids retreated into the fwagon and closed the roof hatch while Hop Pop took off. Drake looked out the window and watched as the sandworm got closer. Then a train of wagons appeared and circled the fwagon, causing the sandworm to retreat.

"Hey, thanks for your help out there." Hop Pop said as the kids popped their heads out.

"Don't mention it. You know, you folks really shouldn't be out here on your own. Haven't you ever read Fear the Dry Swamp?" their mysterious rescuer said. She was wearing a scarf and a set of sand goggles that obscured her face.

"You know that play?" Hop Pop asked.

"Know it? Ha! I directed it. Renee Frodgers the name and managing this acting troupe is my game." she threw off her coat and struck a dramatic pose.

"An acting troupe? Here?" Hop Pop felt like he was dreaming.

"Wow, what are the chances?" Anne commented.

"Say, why don't you folks join our caravan? We could use the extra stagehands and you know what they say, 'safety in numbers'." Renee offered.

"We're in!" Hop pop exclaimed.

Renee led the family to the caravan. She opened the door. "Welcome to our humble operation!"

There were kids roaming around, preparing for their next performance.

"Hey, Francis! Show these youngsters to the kids wagon." Renee ordered.

the young boy spoke with a thick French accent. "As you wish madam. I am Francois, heir to House D'arncool."

"He's method." Renee said confusing the kids.

"It means he embodies a character on and off set, duh!" Hop Pop explained.

"Ha-ha! Sharp as a tack, HP. Care to join me in my trailer? I'd love to pitch you our latest production." Renee offered.

Hop Pop had wide eyes. "Would I?" he started giggling as he followed her.

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