Chapter 32: Quarreler's Pass

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As Hop Pop drove the fwagon, Anne was looking at a map with Drake sitting next to her. Now that he finished reading Bessie's book, he could drive if need be. "Hey. Looks like we're almost halfway to Newtopia, HP." Anne said.

Hop Pop agreed. "Yep. Making good time."

"I gotta say, this trip has been a lot smoother than I thought it'd be." Anne said folding up the map.

"I've certainly had a better experience out here than back at the valley." Drake said.

"But the one thing I'd change..." Anne started.

Drake spoke up as well. "The single thing I'd change..."

Hop Pop joined in as well. "The only thing I'd change..."

"Stop pushing me!" Sprig yelled from inside the fwagon.

"No! You stop pushing me!" Polly yelled back.

"Is that." Hop Pop finished.

"Get that stupid stuff out of my face!" Polly screamed.

"Well, sorry for showing you all this cool moss I found. Ow!" Sprig yelped. "What was that for?"

"I saw a punch bug! Punch bug!" Polly's punch could be heard from outside the fwagon.

"For the last time, I'm not playing punch bug. Ow!"

"Two weeks of nonstop arguing... really starting to wear on me." Anne looked like she was about to snap.

"At least they're keeping it in the fwagon this time." Hop Pop added.

Suddenly, Polly popped out of the roof wearing Sprig's hat. She took a deep breath and began her impression of Sprig. Her voice sounded exactly like his. "Look, everyone. I'm Sprig. Look at all this dumb moss I found." Polly threw a handful of moss at Hop Pop's face. "Wow. Wow. Wow..."

Sprig came out as well. "Oh, yeah?" he took a deep breath and perfectly mimicked Polly's voice. "Well, I'm Polly, and I decided we're all playing punch bug." Sprig punched Anne's shoulder. "Punch bug!"

"This is incredibly annoying, but I have to say, their impressions of each other are spot-on." Anne said.

"Yep, always had a knack for that." Hop Pop agreed.

Anne held her hands up to her face trying to keep herself from losing her mind. "Oh, I don't think I can take two more weeks of this. If only there was some way to get them to stop fighting."

Suddenly the fwagon came to an abrupt halt. "What the heck dude? I almost bit my tongue." Anne complained but was hushed by Hop Pop.

"Shh! Look." Hop Pop pointed at a sign.

"Quarrelers Pass. A road to reconciliation for weary travel mates." Polly read aloud. "Okay, so what?"

"Wait Polly, you don't think they're gonna-?" Sprig was cut off when Anne, Hop Pop and Drake threw them off the fwagon.


"You're seriously leaving us here?"

Hop Pop put on his reading glasses. "Aww, quit your bellyaching. It says right here that the paths meet up eventually."

"If it means we can have at least one hour of peace, it'll be worth it." Drake hissed.

Anne pulled her hair in frustration. "Your fighting is driving us nuts. You brought this on yourselves."

"This is all Sprig's fault for being so zippy and obnoxious all the time!" Polly shoved Sprig.

Sprig hit her back. "Me? You're the one who's punching everyone."

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