S1: E1

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"Please tell me you are Bloom

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"Please tell me you are Bloom." I sighed as I pulled my headphones off of my head and slid them to around my neck. The flaming redheaded girl glancing up at me, staring at her phone like I had been before I walked up to her, a doe eyed look on her face, the same girl that reeked of confusion, uncertainty and nervousness.

"I'm Bloom, yeah...how did you know that?" She questioned in an American accent, as I forced a small smile and I showed her my unlocked phone, my calendar on full display and reminding me to meet Celeste and Bloom at the front gates so the second year princess could show us to our suite.

how did you know that?" She questioned in an American accent, as I forced a small smile and I showed her my unlocked phone, my calendar on full display and reminding me to meet Celeste and Bloom at the front gates so the second year princess could...

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"Lucky guess?" I raised a brow, hoping she would buy it as she looked at our matching calendar reminders, feeling her nervousness ease slightly now that she had found one of the people she was suppose to be searching for. Being a mind fairy was already a lot to handle, it only got worse when people found out what you were, asking you to listen to their crush's thoughts, or mind control them into doing stupid things, so I was hoping to keep it quiet for as long as possible...as well as my connections here.

"So you must be Samira, then?" She popped, locking her phone and putting it in her sweater pocket while I locked mine and put it in my back pocket, a small, friendly yet standoffish smile on her lips as she spoke.

"The one and only, now to find the second year princess..." I trailed off as I looked around for Celeste herself. I was well versed in fairy history, as well as the leaders, lines of succession and Celeste's very public social media accounts so I knew what she looked like, didn't have to think too hard on that one, I liked to be prepared for what I was walking into and attending Alfea was no exception. My mind fairy initial connection was emotions and thoughts, I could hear what anyone was thinking with a little focus, while emotions rolled off of them in waves and I felt them with no focus of effort at all, not to say I didn't have other mind centered abilities, thoughts and emotions were just what I was born linked to, everything else, was learned.

"The two first years looking for Celeste! She is over here! Thank you, carry on!" A blonde boy yelled from the edge of the fountain in the center of the courtyard, causing Bloom and I to exchange a glance at the public proclamation before heading over to where the boy had jumped down from, recognizing him from a few of Celeste's instagrams posts from last year, Sky was his name if I remember from the caption and tag, having looked through her posts once I had been accepted to Alfea and was assigned to her suite...like I said, preparation.

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