S1: E2

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"Terra, do we need to...talk." I trailed off as I rolled over in my bed to see her beginning to pull her arm out of her shirt, stopping the second my eyes met hers. I had actually slept surprisingly well last night, and I hated to admit it but it definitely had to do with the weed and the slightly intoxicating feeling that I felt when I was in that bubble with Riven. For a mind fairy, we live in constant chaos so to have that break, that silence that I still had to try and figure out what it meant, was incredibly addictive...god knows I would never admit that to anyone, especially the egotistical leather wearing specialist. I sensed Terra's anxiety and nerves from the moment I had woken up this morning, I had honestly just thought it was because of our Riven conversation at the mixer last night and how it all went down but the look on her face when our eyes met, told me a different story.

"No, nope, no talking necessary." She answered with a nervous laugh, only causing my eyes to glow to a deeper purple and my eyebrow to raise which made her sigh in return.

"Actually, yeah, sorry...we probably should. With your magic, can you tell when people are lying? Not that that was a lie, it was more...that was more of a brushing it off to keep the roommate peace...a white lie...a non-lie." She rambled as I sat up in the bed slightly, shaking my head and closing the text thread between my dad and I.

"Not a lie detector, just emotions." I hummed as I stood up from the bed and made my way over to our shared closet, going through my side of it, my back turned to her.

"Cool, cool...um, so I don't know like say I was just picking out my clothes for the day..." She began to explain as I went through my darker tones wardrobe.

"Yeah, I feel it...but I don't think it's about your stylistic choices that are giving you the fear and anxiety that I'm feeling." I answered, still not turning around to face her, feeling the huge amount of insecurity and uncomfortably that overpowered her other feelings.

" I answered, still not turning around to face her, feeling the huge amount of insecurity and uncomfortably that overpowered her other feelings

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"As much as we are all suite mates, you are my room mate, Terra...I'm also not a judgmental person, what is said in this room, won't leave this room, including any and all conversations we have about privacy, changing privacy included." I promised, calmly, only turning around when I felt her hand on my shoulder, turning to see she was still dressed her her pajamas. I opened my mouth to continue only to have her pull me into a hug, causing me to crack a smile as I hugged her in return. Everyone had insecurities, hell, I knew everyone's in the suites and I knew them all only a day, I also knew from my own that talking about them was never fun, so I tried to talk about her changing anxiety and body insecurities in the gentlest way possible...especially because I had a few of my own so I understood how she was feeling.

"It's hard being the bigger girl in a room full of confident, beautiful, goddess like girls." She chuckled, as she broke the hug and walked back over to the clothes she had pulled out on her bed, causing me to turn back around towards the closet as I picked out my own, knowing she would change if she knew I couldn't see her and right now, all I could see where my own clothes.

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