S1: E4

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Waking up to the sound of a quiet room, no girls bickering back and forth, fighting over who gets the first cup of coffee, was heaven

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Waking up to the sound of a quiet room, no girls bickering back and forth, fighting over who gets the first cup of coffee, was heaven. My eyes fluttered open not at the sound of a blaring alarm, it being Saturday and all, or one of Terra's plants dropping and shattering, but at the light snore I heard in my ear, along with my internal clock. A small smile spread across my lips as I looked down to see Riven's arm draped over my waist before rolling over slowly to face him, his arm never moving. I had never seen him like this...so calm, peaceful, eyes closed, mouth parted slightly to let that soft snore escape, his hair an absolutely mess from last night's activities...he looked perfect, as if I had created this image myself. I pulled one arm from under his blanket that we were both entangled in, our clothes scattered around his floor from last night and ran it through his hair gently, earning a small sigh from him, only making me smile. I had never woken up in a guy's bed in bliss, always in a rushed horror, terrified that if I didn't get up and out of the bed before my ex woke up that there would be a morning argument waiting for me...but here, in the quiet dorm that smelled faintly of clean linen because it was across the hall from the communal laundry room but mostly of Riven's cologne, based mostly of cedar wood, I felt nothing but a warm, blissful calm.

"Sugarplum..." he mumbled, still asleep as I ran my fingers through his hair, only making my eyes and smile soften. I moved slightly, planting a small and gentle kiss on his cheek, nose, lips before moving down his jaw at an agonizingly slow pace.

"You're still here." He hummed as I picked my head up to see his eyes beginning to open, his voice deep and riddled with sleep, his arm that was around my waist pulling me fully on top of him, our chests flush to each other, his body supporting all of mine.

"I told you I would be." I spoke for the first time this morning, the butterflies in my stomach beginning to flap their wings at the look of the sleepy, dopey smile on his lips.

"I've had this dream before..." He mumbled only causing me to raise a brow at his statement.

"...Waking up with you in my bed, in my arms, rather than waking up alone, half the bed cold and your lavender scent lingering, it's lonely here without you." He elaborated only making my expression soften completely, any thought I had of playfully teasing him, completely gone. Our gaze meeting for only a moment before his arm that was still wrapped around me, tightening and flipping us over so my back was now pressed to his mattress. The blanket shifted with us, my right leg now sticking out, our shoulders and arms exposed, yet not an inch of me cold.

"It was nice, your voice being the first thing I heard today...sweet thing of mine." He hummed, bending his head down to the crook of my neck and leaving small kisses behind, one of his hands finding my exposed thigh, giving it a small squeeze just as his lips met the hollow of my collar bone.

"My sweet sugarplum fairy." He continued, only making my cheeks redden at the slow, intimate touches and the sweet nothing escaping his lips. All our other moments were full of passion, need, want, desire, in his dimly lit room where my insecurities weren't on full display, but this one...it was soft, cherished, intimate and exposing, the room filled with morning sunlight where there was no hiding, no forgiving lighting, it was a complete different and new feeling and experience, both with Riven and in general for me.

Lavender Haze // Riven Fate Winx SagaWhere stories live. Discover now