S1: E3

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Terra and I just stood there, staring at each other, a silence falling over the both of us. Her eyes wide in shock, jaw slightly dropped while I wondered if she was going to tell anyone what I had just told her. I had come to Alfea to find my biological father and decide for myself if I wanted to get to know him or not and now that he was infected by a burned one...I might not even get the chance.

"I'm sorry for yelling." Terra spoke up after a while, only causing me to finally move, walking over to my bed and sitting down on the edge of it, my eyes immediately falling to my hands.

"I'm sure you have a lot of questions." I hummed, my hands shaking slightly and intertwining themselves together to try and hide that fact.

"I do...yes, but it's been a rough day, I understand if you don't want to talk about it right now." Terra offered only causing me to shake my head and move over so she could sit down on the bed as well. I could feel Terra's warmth and empathy, realizing that I had seen my biological father on death's door today, that I felt his emotions, and was covered in his blood...it would be traumatic if I hadn't been in worse situations.

"To start off...yes, your dad and Dowling both know my mother, they all went to school together...I suspect your father never mentioned my mother because of how things ended between my mother, Violet and Silva." I started to explain, resting my back on my head board and pulling my knees up to my chest, watching her eyes follow me, her expression soft and kind.

"Silva and Violet were Alfea college sweethearts...they were practically inseparable from the moment they met one another. From what my mother told me, it was straight out of a fairytale, they were madly in love, they were...our Celeste and Sky." I found something to equate it to so she knew the severity of my mother's feelings and how deeply they ran when she told me about all of this.

"They had plans, for marriage, to start a live together, they wanted to wait a while, find their footing in their jobs and lived outside of Alfea and they did...but a mission came between them, a mission that made Silva chose between his duty as a specialist and his love for my mother...he chose what he had been training for, he chose to live by what he learned and not what he felt...she didn't know she was pregnant when they parted ways, she found out soon after but Silva was already on mission and had no way to contact one another." I continued to explain, tears forming in my eyes, my mother's emotions resurfacing as I spoke, Terra resting a gentle hand on my knee as I tried to blink the tears away and continue.

"So with a broken heart, and a baby on the way, she moved back to the country side where her parents had raised her, that where she met the man that helped raise me, that's where they fell in love, that's where he decided to stand by her and claim me as his own...right until she set him free." I sniffled, wiping my eyes and clearing my throat.

"Set him free? What...what do you mean?" Terra questioned, barely above a whisper, scared that I would break if she pushed.

"My mother died, Terra." I stated, my gaze meeting her's, tears spilling over, only causing her to let out a small sigh and scramble up my bed to sit directly next to me.

"She died and I felt every bit of it, she told me everything while I held her in her bed, running my hands through her hair because I could feel that it calmed her...she told me who my father really was, where to find him and the story of why he wasn't in my life...and that same day, the man that raised me, sat me down and said that if I wanted to go, if I wanted to find Silva...he would stand by that choice and not look at me as if I was any less his daughter." I broke, only crying harder when she wrapped an arm around my shoulders and gave them a squeeze.

" I broke, only crying harder when she wrapped an arm around my shoulders and gave them a squeeze

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