S1: E5

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"I'm your older brother, I'm the supposed to be the one helping you." Sky sniffled as we walked to the dorm side by side, some of both of his and Celeste's belongings in our arms. Sky and I hadn't really talked about the fact that we were now some sort of...odd step sibling, half related...thing, this was the first mention of it since I told both him and Celeste outside of the greenhouse about Silva being my dad...it was nice to know he saw me as family even though technically there was no relation.

"Just proving early on that I'm the better sibling

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"Just proving early on that I'm the better sibling." I teased, nudging him slightly, causing him to only crack a small smile. I knew I had to pull Sky out of Celeste's room when we go back, sitting in a room full of their memories and past two nonstop weeks together was only going to make him worse, I could both feel it and hear his beyond sad thoughts now that his girlfriend was gone.

"I'm sure she hates being home right now as much as you hate that she was taken there, the two of you are smitten, practically ooze love." I hummed as Sky opened the dorm door and walked in ahead of me. I had to act like I didn't know where I was going, like I had no clue where his dorm was and how the room was set up, meanwhile I could walk here in my sleep and I had memories the patterns on their blankets.

"Sky..." Riven spoke up as we walked in, definitely not expecting his blonde best friend and roommate to walk in.

"...and the mind fairy roommate." He finished greeting us both, trying to wipe the confusion off of his face, just giving me a small, nod of acknowledgment as if we barely knew one another, keeping up the facade we had agreed upon. I didn't have a spare second to call Riven or even text him to let him know what was happening, between crying Sky and the bickering roommates after Dowling and Silva brought Beatrix and Bloom back to the school, I could barely blink without someone needing my attention.

"Celeste is gone. Luna took her away." Sky broke down in tears once more, this time crossing the room and hugging Riven,only making my bite down on my lower lip to try and hide the laugh on the verge of coming out at the look on Riven's face as his friend hugged him. Sky had already cried on my shoulder twice to far, looks like it was Riven's turn.

"Samira said it would only make me worse if I slept in Celeste's room alone and I don't really want to be alone." Sky cried as I set the box in my arms on his bed, a huge part of me could feel how sad, upset and fearful Sky was now that his girlfriend was gone but another part of me...wanted to laugh at the childlike crying happening in front of me.

"I'm inclined to agree with the pixie." Riven hummed as he patted Sky's back, trying to signal to break the hug, which Sky definitely did not take the hint. Riven mouthed a "help me" from over Sky's shoulder once I turned back around to look at the pair only making me chuckle.

 Riven mouthed a "help me" from over Sky's shoulder once I turned back around to look at the pair only making me chuckle

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