Chapter 26

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Chapter 26

Base on Mew's abilities and his trusted subordinates, he asked someone to watched Fred Johannesburg's movements and after they met Milton, he received a message from Thailand saying that Fred was constantly staying in a Villa located at Phuket.

Despite Fred being a COO of Johannesburg Group, Thailand branch, he still lacked the power to manage everything, so he still needed the approval of Milton.

"What should we do? Do we have to go there and personally catch him?" Gulf asked him anxiously, he cannot stay still until the killer of his parents will be put in jail.

"No need, I will let him come here himself. There is no need to worry about it once we set the trap... The mouse will surely come." Mew said, and a sly smirk appeared in his lips.

Gulf was mesmerized for a bit, and it didn't miss Mew's eyes.

"Am I too handsome to make you stunned?" he said cockily.

"Yes, you are." Gulf admitted it and stole a kiss on his cheek.
"My babe is the most handsome."

Mew wanted to clutch his heart. It's aching in beating too much.

"You have a sweet mouth, let me taste it." Mew lean closer and capture his lips.

Gulf gladly accepted his kiss, returning it in the same ferocity.

A thread of saliva was traced once they separated, making Gulf giggled as he grabbed a tissue to wipe their lips.

"So, tell me, what's your plan?" Gulf lean on his shoulder.

They are still in the parking lot. Gladly, Mew's car is heavily tinted.

"I will just make a few phone calls," Mew said and started to dial his phone.

"Max, confiscate the phone of that woman and lock all the possible escape routes. Add more guards on her, put away all the sharp things, and make sure she will stay alive until I told you so."

After saying that, he ended the call and dialled another number.

"Monitor my second Uncle Fred if he left the country and who was his companion."

Mew paused for a bit after he ended that call, Gulf caressed his arm to help him calm down, silently saying that he's just there with him.

Mew kisses his forehead before calling another person, which is his second uncle.

"Hello, Second Uncle, I would like to invite you here. My dad is sick, and I am afraid that I can not manage the business there in Thailand, I am currently here now in Louisiana. Will you be able to come here?" Mew hoped that he would agree.

But it seems like Fred knows their plan. He gently disagree.

"I'm not sorry, nephew, but your father had a lot of pending projects here in Thailand, and I can not leave it immediately. Is it possible for you to come here instead?"

Gulf heard it, and he nodded.

"Then, if that's the case, I will arrive there the day after tomorrow."

"Okay, see you."

The call ended, and Mew looked at Gulf.

"Seems like the plan has changed. I will be going there personally."

"I want to go with you!" Gulf insisted.

"No, it's dangerous." Mew disagreed.
"Wait for me here, I will personally deliver that person to you."

Gulf nodded, he do not want to take risk, there's still Aevin to think of.

"Then you should be careful."

After that, Mew sent him to their house before he left to go to the airport, he said before that he will arrive the day after tomorrow but Mew left in advance to caught Fred red handed on whatever he is doing in Thailand.


Mew arrived in a private island near Phuket. His private jet landed, and he rode a small boat to reach Phuket.

In there, his men are already waiting.

"Where's Fred?" Mew asked them.

"He's on that Villa. We found out that he bought that Villa 10 years ago, and the people inside are only a private nurse and one housekeeper."

"A private nurse? Is there a patient inside?" Mew was confused, his uncle did not get married and did not have any children mainly the reason why his grandparents did not gave him the business because he lack an heir and handed it over to Mew and to his future heirs.

"We saw a woman with a scar on the left side of her face. She's sitting in a wheelchair." one of the men in black answered.

Hearing this, Mew felt a sudden surge of emotion.

Was that his mother?

"Call back up and surround the premises." Mew commanded and began to order his men on their plan.


Johannesburg MANSION

She has been locked up inside, her phone got confiscated, and all the sharp things have been taken away. The guards doubled, and the doors are double locked inside out.

Has she been found out? Did Fred sell her out to Milton?

Will she be able to pose as Vena Johannesburg?

The questions in her mind are raking her sanity.

Alice began to remember what she did back then.

But she didn't feel any ounce of regret.

The 10 years isn't enough for her to claim the payment of what they had done to her.

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