Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

On the way, Mew is confident, but upon reaching the gates of Davidson mansion, he suddenly feels his heartbeat quicken.
His hands felt cold as well.

Noticing his boss' pale expression, Mas asked, "Boss, are you okay?"

Breathing heavily to calm himself, Mew snapped, "Of course!"

Gulf accepted the call from the guards on the gate that his guest had arrived. He tidied his clothes, and Aevin then they both waited at the main door.

Mew instructed his guards to stay outside the gate to avoid Gulf and his son to be feeling oppressed by their presence.

Gulf and Aevin's eyes have not left Mew ever since he alighted the car.

He's wearing a midnight blue 4 piece  suit, looking domineering.

Max followed him, holding the gifts.

"Hi..." Mew awkwardly greeted them.

"Hello, welcome to our home. Let's talk inside." Gulf motioned the door.

As they went in, Max put the gifts on the centre table and went out as well.

The house helps according to Gulf's instructions earlier. They were not allowed to walk around the living room, so they get rest early and wait for Gulf's call if ever he needed something.
Even Aevin's nanny isn't present.

The family of three sat in the lush sofa, Mew's eyes darted on Aevin, and he gave him a soft smile.

Aevin shyly looked away, his ears reddened.

Gulf takes the initiative to introduce the two.

"Baby, I told you earlier that you were going to meet your father... He is Mew Johannesburg..." Gulf gulps the lump forming in his throat.
"H-he's your father."

Aevin nodded, he knows that this man was his father but hearing it personally from his Mama's awakened the emotions that he keep on suppressing since he gained consciousness in this world, growing up without a father.


One word. He just utters one word, but his voice breaks, along with a series of sobs and cries as he walks towards Mew, who accepts him with a warm, loving hug.

"My son..."

Two words from his father claiming him, Aevin cried even more loudly.

Gulf wiped his tears as he saw the Father and son hugged each other tightly.
He again blamed himself for being cruel to Aevin.

He was selfish to deprive his son of having a father for 5 years just to feed his guilt feelings.

Mew felt that he found heaven while hugging his son, his baby, his boy.

Mew look at the crying Gulf.

"Come here..." He motioned him.

Gulf was taken aback.

Mew smirk at him, "I said come here."

Gulf, to his surprise... His body moved on its own.

He sat beside Mew, who took the opportunity to put his strong arms on his waist and let Gulf join them, hugging.

"Mama! My Papa is here... I'm so happy." Aevin said, smiling as he sat on Mew's lap.

Gulf reached to get some tissue to wipe Aevin's tears stained face.

"Yes, Aevin deserves to be happy."

"What is your name, baby?" Mew asked his son.

"Alexis Melvin Davidson, but I am known as Aevin, Papa."

Melvin? Isn't it his English name? Mew thought as he looked at Gulf, who turned to avoid his burning gaze.

"You have a very nice name." Mew kissed his son's cheek, making Aevin giggled.

"Alright, since you two already reunited, we can eat dinner." Gulf wanted to stand up, but Mew's hold on his waist, tightened.

"Let's talk about us later, alright?" Mew whispered on his ear.

'Us? There's no us!' Gulf wanted to shout at him, but Aevin is smiling watching them.

He looked at his Mama and Papa. They actually looked good together.

"Since Mama and Papa are also reunited, I want to ask a gift..." Aevin said, making Gulf uncomfortable.

"Your Papa brought a lot of gifts, look..." Gulf pointed the centre table.

"No, Mama! I want a baby sister."

Gulf almost fell on the sofa while Mew laughed out loud.

"We will work hard on that son, come... Let's eat."

Mew glance at Gulf with a smirk on his lips as he carried Aevin to the kitchen.

'Work hard?! Your entire family will work hard!' Gulf pats his face while shouting in his mind.

His face is too hot!

He needs to fucking calm down. This is too much for him.

At the kitchen, Mew helped Aevin to sit on his chair.

Gulf followed behind, watching their interactions he sigh to calm himself again, and put the foods on the table.

Mew helped Aevin to cut his steak, even assisted him on eating.

Aevin felt that having a father is really good.

He look at his Mama as he handed Gulf a glass of water.

"Thank you for everything, Mama."

Gulf was stunned, but he understood what his son meant on that, it was a gratitude from a child who just met his father.

Mew look at his two treasures, until now, he cannot absorbed the fact that Gulf indeed gave birth for his son.

He lean closer to whisper on Gulf.
"Let's talk about us later."

Gulf glared at him this time, "You already said that earlier."

"You did not agree so I repeated it." Mew shrugged.


Seems like it's gonna be a long night.

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