Favourite Scene

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Before I dive into 'Favourite Scene', to expand on comments relating to 'Fed a False Concept'. I have a very real tendency (or maybe that should be propensity) to delve into pretentious mode whilst doing this. 'I first got the idea for this song in.....' etc. So that needs to be rooted out -  'pretentious alert'. This will include the use of words such as 'quintessential' or 'quintessentially', 'zeitgeist' (particularly catching it) and 'organically'. I will try to flag up such words when they come to mind. 

Thank you to those in the wattpad community who have taken the plunge and read the first chapter. Very much appreciated.

I plan to add one feedback comment (from the time of publishing the song on YouTube) which kept me going and plan to post the link in comments, now that I have kindly been given that help from a kind soul here. This is as well as lyrics, notes and slogans. Btw I have just figured out clicking on the video link calls up the related URL so I'll go with that and hopefully that works OK.


Favourite scene. Go between. Indication of their greatness.

Select few. Never knew. And really couldn't care less.

Took a look behind it. It took a while to find it. Read just what I saw.

Dig what's being said. Considering its imitation.

Get even. Get ahead. Depending on my motivation.

Rainbow up ahead. Ending all speculation.

Rumours always rife. Film and image from my life. Different recollections.

Your contrary view. Can say a lot about you. Run right into complications.

Can make you laugh. Makes you think. Sensational those revelations

Can do it now. Found out how. During the interlude.

Change from day to day. Change according to my mood.

Maybe change my attitude if I'm to act up on that screen. Dare to dream.


I quite like 'Favourite Scene'. Be it the 'contempt for humanity' scene between Addison De Witt and Eve Harrington in 'All About Eve', the shower scene in 'Psycho' or the 'Funny Guy' or 'Shinebox' scenes in 'Goodfellas - btw I also love the final scene in 'Goodfellas' especially when 'My Way' by Sid Vicious starts - that just came to mind there. A lot of us have favourite scenes from the movies, so that's the start. I see 'Go between' as the screen between the performer and the viewer and 'Indication of their greatness' (don't worry I don't plan to go through every line...) - the actors are just punters like you and me, who have mastered the script so well that the performance is notable and maybe get them an award or two at the end of the year. The interesting part for me is that largely, they are defined/ hampered by the scene and measured by it in the future. I suppose there are bigger problems to have...I can understand any bewilderment on their part as these are not their own words. 

The first couple of times I heard 'Perfect Day' by Lou Reed. For the part 'You're going to reap just what you sow', I heard 'You're going to read just what you saw' - as a consequence I always liked that line and wanted to use it or a variation of it. 

'Rainbow up ahead' - means a happy ending, right?

Last one - 'Film and image from my life. Different recollections. I like the comparison. Your life is not filmed. There is no certainty. People's memories in relation to specific events can be totally different. Can sometimes lead to difficulties. 

In terms of the music, which came first. No virtuosity skills, just a couple of synth patterns put together. If it sounds good to me I go with that. I try not to over complicate things, nor break the fourth wall and share what kit I used or how it was recorded. Normally I agonise over the lyrics, I can't recall going through that on this one. It came together organically........


....or what could go on a T Shirt.

'Rumours always rife' and 'Sensational those revelations'. 'Dare to dream' to me is a little obvious, so no for that.


This won't always be favourable feedback -  I will try to be measured....that said, this public feedback for 'Favourite Scene' is favourable - 'Very catchy, deep lyrics'. I can handle that.

Please give 'Favourite scene' a listen when you get the chance please. I hope that you enjoy it.

Enjoy what's left of your Wednesday. Keep smiling.

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