God, I wish I thought this through (Before I went and fell in love with you)

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TW: Arguing, crying, divorce, lying, lots of sadness here, no comfort just tears


Ranboo's tail flicked behind him in an annoyed fashion, Wilbur was getting on his nerves. He is really trying to give Wilbur a chance but he genuinely is starting to get annoyed with everything he was saying. Not to mention that that day just felt so gross for him, he broke so many plates, he burned a few too many patties. He let out a huff as he forced his tail to rest still, Michael was sensitive to almost every little bit of body language they displayed around him. Even if it was a bit aggressive around him he would get upset and start crying because he thought that they were mad at him because he did something wrong. He let out a semi-loud vwoop, getting his nerves out a different way as he walked to Michael.

He kept his voice calm and steady, "Hey buddy, it's my turn to tuck you in bed, it's getting late."

Michael let out a sad disappointed snort, his snout wrinkling in displeasure as his ears flopped back, "I know you wanna play more, but we can do that tomorrow! Tomorrow is mine and Bee's day off! If he isn't too tired maybe we can go out for a nice walk and go pick some flowers?"

Michael perked up with that, nodding and letting out loud excited oinks, which made Ranboo laugh and relax a bit, being with Michael always made him feel calmer, maybe it was just endermen instinct stuff, "Alright then bug-a-boo let's get going to bed."

Ranboo stood up as Michael lifted up his arms, showing he wanted to be picked up. Ranboo grinned at him, lifting him up high, making him give a high pitched squeal as he clinged onto Ranboo's arms. Micheal wasn't scared, he knew Ranboo wouldn't drop him, he just was giddy, he loved being in high places, the highest place being in his dad's arms being lifted up high. Ranboo's hands were pretty big, long and slender but still strong and his hands padded slightly. His hands were almost a bed for Michael and he felt perfectly comfortable being in his dad's hands. Ranboo grinned at Michael as he squealed, "Alright then honey, time for b-"

The door slammed open, releasing a bunch of cold air and snow into the room. Ranboo and Micheal shivered as Tubbo got into the house and slammed the door shut with a harsh slam, making Micheal flinch at the unpleasant noise. Tubbo was grumbling unhappily and throwing things off of him, Micheal let out a soft wet snort, wondering why Tubbo was upset.

Tubbo's ears perked up, raising his head from where he was looking and meeting Ranboo and Michael. Tubbo stiffened slightly, clearing his throat before making his voice soft, but still distantly cold, "What is Michael still doing up Ranboo?"

Ranboo hummed softly, cupping Michael in one of his hands, using the other to run his hand over his head, being careful with the skin around the exposed skull, "Well we were just about to sleep because this little bug-a-boo was havin a little fit about sleeping. I managed to convince him with a small deal, isn't that right buddy?"

Michael nodded rapidly, excited, as Ranboo began to elaborate, "The deal was that because tomorrow we both have our day off-"

Tubbo let out a gruff grunt, "I'm working tomorrow."

Ranboo and Michael let out confused noises, Ranboo chuckled nervously, "I checked your schedule just this morning, you have tomorrow off."

Tubbo huffed, "Well Quackity asked me to come in tomorrow for a plan about the shop, so that's filled."

Ranboo frowned, "Can you cancel? You've had barely any days off. You need to spend time with your family."

Tubbo huffed as he shrugged off his coat, hanging it up, "Well Quackity said he's going to pay me overtime."

Ranboo gently tucked Michael closer to him, "Bee, money isn't an issue."

Tubbo rolled his own eyes, scoffing as he let out a snappy comment, "Maybe because you just aren't worried about how Wilbur just doesn't pay you."

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