The Pages are torn and there is no final chapter

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"Oh it's just you Ranboo, I thought you were Techno. He doesn't like me smoking in his house, and Phil always looks at me weird when he sees me smoke. Sometimes a man just needs a smoke. Am I right Ranboo???"

Ranboo just stared at him, his eyes blank and dull, completely unimpressed. Wilbur sneered at his dull reaction as he took another inhale of his cigarette. Wilbur wanted a reaction from Ranboo and he was gonna get one, one way or another.

"Ranboo do you like smoking? I know you probably have never smoked before but I just have to ask, you can never judge a book by its cover."

Ranboo let out a slow breath as he smelled the smoke Wilbur was blowing at his face. The smoke filled his lungs, feeling strange as his lungs rejected the smoke forcing him to heave and cough until it was all out. This reaction made Wilbur laugh in amusement, "I guess that's a no then! Oh well guess I can't have a smoking buddy."

Ranboo decided to ignore Wilbur, not having the energy to deal with him as his mind and body felt so extremely tired despite apparently having been in 3 day coma. He laid himself on the bed and closed his eyes. His whole being feeling empty.

This reaction apparently did not make Wilbur happy. He looked at Ranboo with a kind of look that screamed something unpleasant was about to happen, Wilbur just seemed to have that kind of look. But then again that always seemed to follow Wilbur, he tries to amuse himself and ends up hurting everyone and anyone around him without a second of apology, expecting everyone to move on and leave it be. He faintly thought of Tubbo and how he spoke of his execution, of how Wilbur had Tubbo be a spy for him, and while he did it willingly no one ever apologized for what happened. Only moving onwards and recruiting Technoblade. The thoughts made him feel weird as he tried to push them away, as he laid in techno's bed. He knows it's techno's bed but Techno either sleeps for days on end or not at all. Besides he wanted to be away from the living room, Techno could sleep on the couch. It's a comfortable couch, it was soft and plush. He also doesn't want to be kept awake if Techno and Phil meet up again for another argument in the living room.

"You know I saw Tubbo today when you refused to come to work for the past few days. Techno and Phil said you were 'sick' or whatever but it's fine I just have to dock your paycheck." Ranboo couldn't care less, he's rich, besides if he's dying anyway and he's still married to Tubbo, Tubbo inherits everything.

"He stopped by the burger van with Quackity, apparently he wanted to talk to you because when he asked where you were and I said you didn't come to work, haven't been for the past few days, he looked sad. Well at least disappointed that you weren't there, both of them left pretty quickly after that."

This got a reaction from Ranboo, not a strong one but a semi large twitch of his ear at Tubbo's name and him apparently wanting to talk to Ranboo. Wilbur smirked at this as he continued to talk, not even bothering to try and smoke out the open window of the room.

"I mean I'm surprised, I talked to Tubbo a few days ago, ran into him, and I just told him a few things and after that he didn't seem very eager to talk to you."

Ranboo shifted slightly as he spoke, smoke filling his lungs, "What did you talk about?"

Wilbur hummed in a false ponderance of thought, "Well you see I saw him walking down the path and he tried to walk past me, and well you see I started talking about you and him. I'm not an idiot, I am pretty observant if I do say so myself. But it seems that Tubbo took me for a fool, you did as well. I knew something was going on between you both, I had no idea specifically what but I knew it was something. It wasn't until I passed Tubbo after work, he had a bunch of rings on his hands and horns, one's I did not see earlier that day when I saw him working with Quackity. One's that are pretty similar to your own whenever I see you casually around the Arctic."

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