I hope that you...burn

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Warnings! Minor Burns, Major Injuries, Ranboo is honestly just a sad sad teen.

Title from the song "Burn" from the musical Hamilton


Ranboo walked to the house in the cold, the world around him felt so...numb? Like everything was static he just..he can't feel anything. His pearl...it hurts. Ranboo walked into the house and started to pack everything for Michael, clothes, toys, books, anything he could fit in his inventory. At least until his chest hurt once again, he growled to himself. He had no time for this stupidity. He had to get Michael and get out of snowchester. He grabbed Michaels coat going up to his room and holding him tight and wrapping him up in the winter coat and warm clothes. Michael was a pretty heavy sleeper, sleeping through almost anything. The one thing he couldn't sleep through was a storm and that's because he was scared of the rain because of how much it can hurt Ranboo, at least until Tubbo showed him how it's painless. He winced, physically having to stop for a second, the pain where his pearl was flaring up. He huffed softly before continuing, working through the pain, he had no time to check it. When he finally wrapped up Michael successfully he started walking to the main portal, walking through the snow that seemed to fall heavier than earlier.

The walk didn't take too long, no mobs getting in their way, and no one around them. The night was as dead and as silent as can be. Nothing felt real. But he knew one thing for sure, Michael was real, and he would never do a thing to hurt him. Before he knew it he was already at the main nether portal. He felt something startle in him before he went in. The nether was just as static as the tundra had been. He frowned but otherwise kept going, he had no time to think about this, he had to get home before any mobs came around and he couldn't have Michael get hurt. He doesn't know what he would do with himself if Michael got hurt.

The Enderian hybrid quickly arrived to the portal and went inside it once more to be greeted by the icy arctic. Normally the rapid temperature shift would have him dizzy and dazed for a few seconds as his body adjusted to the rapid cold. But everything still felt like nothing. He looked down and felt Micheal move around, grumbling at the temperature shift. He hissed, shoot Michael has never been somewhere this cold. Sure, Snowchester was snowy but that was the tundra, this is the arctic, much colder and a lot harsher and bitter. Ranboo quickly walked through the snowy area, not at all properly dressed but not caring, knowing the snowy pellets were burning his face but also knowing that for some reason he couldn't feel a thing of it. He pushed the thought of it away, that doesn't matter right now! He just needed to get to Techno's and Phil's, his house was too far away of a walk in the cold and he didn't want to risk it. He also knows that the house isn't the warmest or has the best heating system, which he is working on but the only warm place is the vault and he knows that he is not going to be keeping Michael in there. He picked up the pace, taking out his communicator and sending Phil and Techno a message.

You whispered to Technoblade: hey i'm outside with my kid, unlock the door its cold

You whispered to Technoblade: if you don't text back i'm spamming phil and you know what'll happen when he finds a kid around

Ranboo knew that was probably not the best thing to message Techno, but he knew Techno's place would be warm enough if not warmer for Michael, besides it's not like he has anything to hide anymore. Plus he didn't want to be around Wilbur right now, if he is he might just snap at him, he's not feeling to deal with Wilbur's confusing words and does not want Michael around him at all.

He felt a buzz around his wrist.

Technoblade whispered to you: Geez kid, what's with it with everyone here bringing some stray kid? First Phil, now you.

You whispered to Technoblade: Well technically he's my adopted son but I'll explain it later, is the door opened?

Technoblade whispered to you: Yeah it is.

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