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A small girl floated in the vial of bright, glowing yellow liquid

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A small girl floated in the vial of bright, glowing yellow liquid. Sparks surrounded her, conducted by the glass. The young girl was no more than six years old, with short, curly brown hair that floated around her head like seaweed. Her eyes were closed, and her body was limp. Her skin exposed metal plates along his chest and legs, and strange symbols were engraved on them.

The woman frowned. "Is she...alive?" "Yes," the man said. "She's in a suspended state of animation. All her major organs have been replaced with cybernetic implants. She'll age, and she can't be killed." The woman's eyes widened. "She's so.. humanlike." The man nodded. "She's one of the first. We've been working on this project for years, and she's the culmination of our efforts." The woman stared at the girl in the vial. "She's...amazing." "She is," the man said.

The girl in the vial opened her eyes and looked at the woman. His eyes were a bright, glowing yellow. The grey-haired woman smiled. "Good morning, Lightbulb." The young girl pressed a hand on the glass. Her cable-like tail moved slightly. "She can't hear you," the man said. "But she can see you." The woman nodded and continued to smile at the girl. The girl pressed his second hand on the glass before smushing her face against it.

"She's curious about you," the man said. "We think she likes you." The woman chuckled. "I think I like her too." the man motioned to the table. "Want something to eat? I made a cookie pizza!" The woman looked at him, confused. "A.. Cookie pizza?" The man grinned. "It's my invention. I'll show you how to make it."

The woman followed the man to the table where he started to explain the recipe for his cookie pizza. The young girl in the vial watched them, his bright yellow eyes filled with curiosity. The man looked over. "Oh, Do you want some, Lightbulb? The boy's eyes lit up and he pressed his hands against the glass again. The man laughed and took a slice of cookie pizza over to the vial.

The door opened and she held it up so the girl could take a bite. The girl eagerly took a bite of the cookie and then licked her lips. The man chuckled and took another slice over to the vial. "Here you go, Lightbulb." The girl in the vial ate the slice of cookie pizza and then rubbed her stomach. She smiled and pressed her hands against the glass again. The door closed automatically. Lightbulb smushed her face against her, sticking her tongue out. The woman chuckled. "It's alright, Lightbulb. We'll get you out of there soon." The man nodded. "Yes. We will."

The girl in the vial continued to watch the woman and the man as they went about their day. She was curious about them and liked them both. She hoped they would get her out of the vial soon so she could explore more. She only knew a few things. These were Mother and Father.

Present Day.

Lightbulb paced around her room at the hotel, stress-eating cookies. People knew that she wasn't human.

Well, Only three people, but three people too many. Her friends, Salt and Pepper knew, and they reacted better than she expected. And knife, well... She shocked him. It was an accident, and he was okay, but she still felt bad. It's not like she could help it. It's not like she wanted to be different.

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