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"So.. that's.. about it."

The two sat in front of each other. Paper looked completely flabbergasted, mouth wide open. Lightbulb looked down, unsure of how to break the tension.

"I'm guessing you don't believe me." She sighed. Paper snapped out of his stunned silence. "No, No, I believe you, It's just... wow. It's a lot to take in. I mean, One of my... I hope I can say friends, Is a cyborg.. Or a... Robot?!" Paper gestured towards her. Lightbulb huffed. "You don't need to rub it in..." Paper fidgeted with his vest. "But It explains so much! The electric powers, Your.. uncanny ability to almost mimic MePhone perfectly when he fritzed out-" "How weird I am?" She interrupted, Looking slightly scorned. Paper shrugged. "Not really. I just thought we both had autism, to be honest." He joked. Lightbulb chuckled slightly

"Well, I guess we don't know each other as well as we thought." She sighed, leaning back. "But I guess we have time to change that!" Paper smiled. "Yeah.. We do." The two sat in silence for a moment. "You know... I've always wanted to ask." Paper began. "What was life like in that vial you were talking about?" Lightbulb leaned back, Thinking. "Well.. My memory is spotty, but I do remember some things. I remember it being bright and lonely. But that was before Mother and Father came to see me."

Paper tilted his head. "Mother and Father?" Lightbulb chuckled softly. "Yeah, They were the two people who programmed the robots to fix me. They're scientists. They were.. amazing. They treated me like their child, and they always listened to me. I remember them more than anything." Paper nodded. "That's.. really good. I mean, They sound like good people." Lightbulb nodded. "They are. They're the best. Mom could be blunt sometimes, even being mean, but not really to me. Mostly to other people. Based on what I could see, she was a lot softer with me than with her employees. Dad was an amazing man. He was always gentle, even when scolding me. He was always patient, and he always explained things to me. I was really happy with them.."

The two sat in silence, reflecting on what Lightbulb had said. "You know.." Paper began, "I don't have any parents, or anyone for that matter, besides OJ and The Cherries. I don't really know what it's like to have a family. But.. I guess I could imagine it being something like that." Lightbulb nodded. "Yeah.. I guess you could." The two sat in silence for a few moments, before Paper got up. "Well, I should probably go. I'll see you tomorrow, okay?" Lightbulb nodded. "Yeah, See you tomorrow."

She walked upstairs to her room and changed into her Pajamas before going to sleep.

She woke up to the sound of crashing and screaming. Not uncommon in the hotel, But Pepper's voice was especially loud today.

"I TOLD YOU NOT TO TAKE MY STUFF, YOU LITTLE TWERPS!" Pepper was yelling over the sound of the Cherries giggling. Lightbulb got up, Her stomach growling. If she was up, she might as well get some breakfast. The Conjoined twins, the Cherries ran around the kitchen, holding a note. "Oh yeah? So what, you can give it to your giiirrrlllfriend?" The one on the right said in a mocking tone. "Yeah, give it to salt!" The one on the left said, giggling. Pepper blushed. "Salt's not my girlfriend!"

Lightbulb walked through, but Suitcase pushed past her, followed by Soap. "Give that back! You're getting your slobbery germs all over it!" Suitcase muttered something incomprehensible while holding a bottle of soap in her mouth, but it sounded something like "Stay out of my room!" Soap picked Suitcase up by her leg and shook her, but that just made Suitcase clamp her mouth around the soap even more.

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