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(AN: Sorry for not updating this!!! I have been on AO3)

Lightbulb sat inside her room She stared down at her phone which lay open on her bed. The lock screen displayed a picture of her, a Paintbrush, Testtube, and Fan. Her partners. She stared at the screen, reminiscing the events that took place that day. A smile crept on her face as she remembered their first kiss, the first time they confessed their feelings for one another. They started hanging out more frequently after that day, making sure to always have a conversation or video chat with each other. But they weren't here.

They were on vacation, and They haven't called, Texted, or anything for 12 weeks. But who's counting They just... disappeared. MePhone, The host, was gone as well No one has seen either one of them.

Lightbulb shook her head, clearing her thoughts. This isn't good, they aren't responding to any texts or calls. For all she knew, they were stranded. Or dead. Dead people can't contact you right? That's what she's heard. So, maybe They're dead. No one should die without anyone knowing where they went. That was just sad, and cruel. And she hated it. Not that she wanted them to die. That would hurt, and it would be painful. But, they should be safe, shouldn't they? At least she thinks so. She hoped so, anyway. After all, they were her only friends.

She glanced at the crude models she made of them. A stick, a folded paper fan, and a plastic green cup. It was weird, but they made her miss them less. Almost like they were just a figment of imagination. Just like she had. Just like she wanted them to be.

She picked up the stick. The stand-in for Paintbrush. She made it speak. "Lightbulb, you may be annoying sometimes, But I love you!" "Yeah, I love you too," she answered quietly. She picked up the cup. "Yeah! You don't need to worry! You don't need the people outside! We're here with you!" she smiled. "You're amazing! And you're beautiful!" She giggled. She picked up the paper fan. "Hey, Hey, hey! Stop laughing! I'm serious!" she shouted. "We're sorry for worrying you!" she laughed.

Lightbulb set down the paper fan and picked up the cup. "Hey, hey. Don't cry." She whispered. "Don't cry," she repeated. The words felt like cotton candy in her mouth, and a small smile crept up on her face. "You got to stay strong!" she mumbled. "You'll be fine!" she cried out. "You're perfect in every way!!" She was playing with the objects like she was a young girl and they were dolls. The tears streamed down her face as she spoke. "You're my everything," she wiped away the tears. "And I love you!" "You've got to stay strong. I love you!" she whispered.

"You're so wonderful and pretty, and cute. I could write poetry, just based on your name. I don't need anyone else besides you!" "You're wonderful. You're so smart. You're talented, creative, and funny. You're everything that I ever wanted, and more." "I love you." "You're wonderful." she held the cup and leaned her forehead against it.

"We're sorry. Please don't cry." "I'm sorry for bothering you. You deserve someone better than me," she mumbled, her voice breaking. The door opened. "Lightbulb..?" the voice called out, Lightbulb quickly hid the items behind her back. "We're sorry. Please don't cry." "I'm sorry for bothering you. You deserve someone better than me," she mumbled, her voice breaking.

She pushed past him, making his shoulders bump against hers as she did so. "Hey, hey wait! Stop!" He grabbed onto her arm. "Let go! You can't tell me what to do!" She screamed, "Lightbulb, please, stop!" He begged. "LET GO OF ME, YOU STUPID LITTLE BASTARD!!!!" She kicked at his shin as hard as she could, making him fall on the floor. "OW!! Fuck you!" He yelled, clutching his knee. Lightbulb ran to her room, slamming the door shut. She slid down against it. "Fuck fuck fuck!" "Lightbulb! Stop! Please, come let me explain!" His voice echoed through the door. "YOU DON'T EXPLAIN! YOU DON'T HAVE TO DO ANYTHING!! JUST LEAVE ME ALONE!!" She screamed.

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