Chapter 1

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Hey there, I hope you guys like the chapter I will try to update once every week. If you haven't seen the anime it will be hard to understand and A little quick note: I do not own any of Mew Mew Tokyo's Characters or anything for that matter... Well except for the story line😅. Sayonara!

I was walking home from school. A lot of things have changed after the fight with Deep Blue. Kisshu... Why did he have to die? Poor Masaya, he was traumatized after turning into Deep Blue and then his family had to move away due to his dad's new job. I finally reach home.

I go up stairs to my bed room and sit by the window.

My phone starts buzzing in my pocket and I pick it up. "Hello" I say quietly. "Ichigo, we need you to come to Café Mew Mew! Immediately!" Lettuce says in a worried tone. "I'm coming" I say before hanging up and tossing my phone on the bed.

I run all the way to Café Mew Mew. I run into the Café and look around to see everyone staring at me. To my surprise I also see Pai standing next to Ryou. "What is going on!!!" I scream. Lettuce walks over to me and replies "Apparently, we have a new enemy." I gasp. "One more thing" Pai interrupts "Kisshu is alive" "That can't be" I say dropping to my knees.

Kisshu is ALIVE! I saw him die in my arms. "The new enemy is a group from the planet Shipza" (Pronunciation: Sh-îp-wa) Pai cleared his throat "They call themselves The Black Knights and they want earth to themselves." "Then why are you here?" Zakura replies shifting her weight to her other leg.

Pai begins, "You guys don't know this, but since we used the mew aqua to help our planet... our life source for our planet is Earth. I still don't know why though." "So that means you have to keep Earth safe if you want to keep your planet safe" Zakura jumps in. "Why isn't Taruto here?" Pudding lips start to pout as she says this.

"He is busy taking care of Kisshu. They will be here tomorrow." Pai states in a matter of fact way. He turns around to Ryou and nods. Ryou nods back and clears his throat, "We are going to pair up for protection." He pulls out a list and begins to read from it.....

"Pai you are going to stay with Lettuce,
Taruto is with Pudding,
Akasaka is with Zakura,
Mint will be staying at Café Mew Mew with me,
Kisshu will be staying with Ichigo." He puts the clipboard down.

"Meeting is over" Pai then teleports away. I look up at Lettuce who is blushing. "What's with this new 'arrangement'" I yell at Ryou. I stand up and brush off the dirt on my clothes from kneeling. "The Black Knights are more challenging and it would be safer if we paired up. It was all randomized by Pai's computer" he walks a way leaving the room.

Ok my day went from ok to the WORST F***ING DAY IN MY LIFE! I growl and leave Café Mew Mew. I was half way home and my cat ears and tail were already sticking out. How do they expect me to fight after Masaya left, found out that Kisshu is ALIVE, and how he is going to be staying at my house until we deal with the 'Shitty Knights' are gone!

When I get home, I flop myself onto my bed. "GRRRR...!" I growl into my pillow. I walk over to my window and open it. I nice cool breeze came in and calmed me down. Then suddenly I here a noise. I look up to see a red hair boy around my age. He smirks down at me.

He was wearing a black jacket and a black T underneath, a pair of black skinny jeans that had chains hanging from the sides. He flew down closer to me only inches away. I noticed his eyes were a brownish red color and had point years like Kisshu's.

I backed away, but he grabbed my chin and pulled me closer. "Tsk, tsk, tsk" he said he in a playful matter. I managed to pull away and run into my bathroom. Great... "MEW MEW STRAWBERRY, METAMORPHOSIS!!!" I transformed into Mew Ichigo.

I ran out of the bathroom and he was gone. I sighed. I looked at my clock it was 11:34 pm. Might as well go to bed. I put my pajamas on and snuck into bed. My eyes slowly got heavier and heavier until they closed. Before I knew it I was asleep.

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