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The wolf came closer to the window. "Life and death?! Has something happened?" The male looked at him with pleading eyes. "Not for us, but for our master. Look." The male pointed to the female, who overheard the whole conversation. She lifted her tail. And there he saw them. Three puppies. One with green, one with pink and one with light blue fur. They were all females. He felt an incredible aura around the three of them. He knew these weren't normal wolves.

"They're cute. Congratulations!" The wolf congratulated the two. They smiled for a brief moment, but it immediately disappeared. "Thank you. But that's very bad! We shouldn't normally get one!" The female broke the silence. The wolf was confused. "Usually? But I can sense you're capable of it. And the result is here. Who says you shouldn't have done it?" The male went to his female to lick away her tears. "Our master. He forbade us. But we love each other so much. We couldn't help it. We broke a rule. And now we have to be punished." The male spoke up. "Not just us! Our puppies especially! If he didn't want that, he would have taken me to the vet!"

The wolf didn't know what a veterinarian was. But the way the male spoke, it was something not good. "Oh dear, I'm sorry. But where can I help?" The female stood up. "Please! You must take our puppies! This is the only way they can survive!"

The wolf was surprised. He should take the puppies and raise them?! "Are you sure? And survive?! What is your master planning to do with them?!" The female couldn't tell. Her legs were shaking. The male had to speak for her. "He would put them all in a sack and throw them into the sea."

The wolf couldn't believe it. This person wants to kill puppies just because they were born?! The wolf couldn't keep them waiting any longer. "All right. Bring them to me. I can't let this happen! (Not again)." The two wolves looked at him with hopeful eyes. The female took the green one first and ran out the window with her. "Thank you! You're doing us a big favor! By the way, my name is Locky." Then the male with the pink one came to the window. "And I'm Ben. Here. Here come two already." The wolf took the green one first and then the pink one. He lay the two on the meadow. He had to get a third one. "What is your name?" Locky asked while Ben got the third one. "My name is Wolf. I really don't have a name. Everyone calls me the wolf." Then the third came to the window.

Before accepting it, he needed to know one very important thing. "What are the names of the three?" "Oh right!" Locky had totally forgotten about that. She was so upset that she forgot to mention the names. "The green one is called Witch. For me this name means that this puppy never gives up. I called the pink one Devil. This name is supposed to mean that like a devil she destroys others who want to harm her family. And the blue one is called Knight. This name represents justice and protection of the family.

The wolf took the blue one and brought her to her sisters. "Thank you! Teach them like they're your own." "We will miss them. But I can feel that they will have a good life by your side." Ben and Locky's words were like a stab in the heart. He did something good though. But the puppies must never get to know their true parents.

"Thank you two. Farewell." He took the three puppies and ran away with them. That was the beginning of a new life.

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