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9 years have passed. The girls have developed well. The werewolf sisters have always referred to the wolf as their father. And that made him so happy.

One night the wolf wanted to go for his walk again. The girls slept in their places. He knew that no one comes near them. He would then regret it immediately. But the wolf noticed that something was chasing him. He recognized the smell. "Knight? Are you chasing me?" The little werewolf girl came at him with a rabbit leap. "Why are you leaving dad?" She replied back with a question.

"I just wanted to go for a walk, I haven't been for a long time." He answered. He almost wanted to tell her to go back to sleep. But it is Knight. He knew he couldn't get her to do it. So he took her with him.

A few minutes later they arrived at the blue house. "What are these caves?" asked Knight. Oh yes, he had forgotten that. They didn't know anything about people and where they lived. "These are houses, honey. Creatures called humans live there." But then he noticed something. He was at a BLUE house. The parents of the three lived here! He hadn't thought about it the whole way!

The window was open as always. He wondered if they were there. But he saw nobody. "Is something papa? You look shocked." Knight broke the silence. You couldn't hide anything from her. "It's alright sweetie. Let's-" "Wolf!" a high voice interrupted him. They looked at the window. It was Locky! He almost didn't recognize her. She was a little older. And looked a bit fragile.

"You are exactly the animal I need now! You have to help me!" Locky had the same look from back then. Full of despair. "What is it? Where is Ben?" asked the wolf. "He- he unfortunately passed away." replied Locky. The wolf was shocked. "Passed away?! So early? But you're not that old!" The wolf looked at the distraught female. "You're right. We still have a few years to live. But Ben has been seriously ill lately. My master couldn't pay for the vet. He passed away." told the female.

"Oh dear. What can I help you with?" Locky looked back. The wolf also looked in her direction. He couldn't believe it. A puppy. A male. With some dark green fur. He knew what she wanted. "Another puppy!? But how-" "We couldn't help it again. Our love was so great. It only resulted in this one puppy. I think you know what I want." Locky interrupted the wolf.

"Who is that daddy?" Knight intervened. He had completely forgotten that Knight was there too. Locky looked at her. And smiled. "She's one of my puppies, isn't she?" A tear fell down her. The wolf nodded. "I knew it. She smells the same as she did then. And I knew she wasn't a normal puppy. That makes me so happy." She couldn't stop crying tears of joy. Knight stood confused. "What is that female talking about?"

"Knight. That's your mother. And that Ben was your father. And that little puppy over there is your brother." Knight was shocked. In front of her was her birth mother. But even if she is, she wasn't attracted to her. She hid behind the wolf. "I can understand that Knight. I would be just like you if I found out that a complete stranger was suddenly my biological mother." she said to her daughter. "Wolf. The reason is different, by the way. My master also passed away. I live on the street now. But I don't want to let the little one grow up like that. Besides, I think I wouldn't have much time anyway. I've been very weak for days. Please take care of him. He should live with his sisters. I've been looking for you. I was so lucky that you just walked past here. I don't think I would have been able to find you."

Hearing Lockys words hurt him a lot. She had been through so much. And soon she will die alone. He wanted her to come first. But he saw in her eyes that she didn't want to change her fate. "He doesn't have a name yet. You should give him one. But before I go, I want to hear my son's name." The heart of the wolf grew heavier and heavier. Are all living beings like this when they know their time is almost up? He thought.

A few seconds later. "I call him Leopard. This name represents the love and care of all living beings." Locky beamed with more tears of joy. "Thank you. Take good care of all four of you. It doesn't matter that Ben and I are the birth parents. You have been from the beginning. And always will be. I can rest in peace. And Ben too. We will watch over you forever." With that, Lockey got up and walked towards the street. That was the last time he could see her.

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