Chapter 2

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I ran up the stairs to the top floor of the humanities block, and then I jumped. I fell and fell, but I knew what to do. I was already willing my dragon forward, and she complied. My tail came first then my body and head changed, and then my wings came. When they came i caught myself before I hit the floor, told my dragon what to do, and then, I sat back and let her do it. She did my instructions as I said them out to her again.
First: get out of the building.
Second: fly up the humanities building (outside) and see if you can find the girl.
Third: go higher then dive and catch her.
Fourth: get her safely to the floor and put her down.
Fifth: land and give me control so I can shift back.
She followed all of the instructions. She flew and spiralled towards the glass door. She didn't stop till she smashed through it. Then she flew up the humanities building, she saw the girl, flew higher and then spiralled back down. Caught the girl. And carefully put her down before shifting and giving me control.

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