Chapter II

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Zangya landed in the city in her new outfit. She walked around, enjoying the quiet morning, until police cars flew by her. In the distance, she could also hear gunfire. She walked a few blocks around the corner as a stray bullet hit her cheek. It was stopped, no surprise, just a little itchy now. She watched as they put bags of money in a truck and shot at the officers. Civilians and officers were ducked down, trying not to get shot. Zangya sighed, and put her hair in a ponytail.
"I'll make it quick. I don't HAVE to kill them so one two each, right?"

Zangya rushed in, about the same time The Golden Warrior came down and kicked one. Zangya ended up slapping the one on with a machine gun, into the demolished cop car. The truck made a break for it and the Golden Warrior raised a hand and sent a ki cannon that forced the truck to flip. The two then flew into a nearby roof.
"That was some pretty good ki control, Miss." The Golden Warrior said. Zangya, flipping her hair back, smirked.
"Same for you, Blondie."
That hair. That's just like the forms those Saiyans used 6 years ago... And those eyes... Why do I feel threatened by them?
"Wait a minute. Blue skin. Orange hair. Hey, you're our new neighbor up on Mount Paozu."
"Huh?" Confused.
"Yeah. My little brother said he met you up there."
"Oh yeah. He was kind of annoying but he was a cute kid."
Gohan chuckled.
"Well it's nice to meet you. My name's..." His watch beeped.
"Oh no! Sorry but I gotta go. See ya around!" He then dashed towards a big building to the Northeast of the robbery.
"... Wait." Zangya watches as his hair turns black and then remembers who he was.
"The hair style is the same as..."

Zangya froze up for a moment. She was six feet away from the one who defeated Bojack. She sat down and took a breath.
"H-he didn't seem to have recognized me... Let's keep it like that." She looked back.
"Though he is kinda cute now." She laughed and shook off the thought before deciding to head home for now. Meanwhile, an old man described what had happened to the robbers to a young woman who attends the same school as Gohan.
"First, I'll get to the bottom of the Golden Warrior, then the blue skinned girl will be next."

After school, Gohan gets home and sees an arrangement of foods on the table.
"Wow. Mom what's the occasion?"
"The new neighbor. I did say we should be nice and neighborly and welcome her to her new home." Chi-Chi replied.
"She also wants to befriend her so she can have her get ingredients from the Mountains for her..."
The boys laughed.
"Well either way, we should welcome her." Gohan agreed and helped Chi-Chi pack the food.

Zangya started working out the moment she got home and changed. She did the basics, then she flew up into space and attacked astroids. She sighed before she seen a big meteor head into the atmosphere.
"Oh crapbaskets." She dashed as it was heading straight for her home. She got in front of it but looked down to see three people at her door step, distracted, and was now back against the meteor as it barely missed the cave and into the near by lake.

"Wow. That almost hit us." Goten said.
"I think she was on it." Gohan flew to the lake, with Chi-Chi on his back still. They landed next to it as it was water everywhere, trying to drain back into the lake.
"Are you sure?" Chi-Chi asked.
"I felt something coming from it."
Seconds later, Zangya bursts out of the water.
"I hate meteors... Huh?" She looked over and seen Gohan and a woman, who seemed to be his mom.
"Um... Hi." As she lands and walks over.
"You must be the mother I'm guessing?"
"Yes I am but are you alright?"
"I'm fine. Nothing to worry about." She stretched, and for some reason, Gohan blushes and turns away.
"You okay there, tall guy?"
"Dear your..." Chi-Chi started before sliding close and whispering, "one of your breasts are hanging out of your ripped top." Zangya looked down and turned as red as Gohan.

(What color should her blush be? Red? Or some other color? Thoughts here.)

After a change of clothes, Zangya let them in her humble little home and accepted their gifts. After all, it looked and smelt way too good. It put her in such a good mood, she let them stay and join her, while making sure not to get too close to Gohan.
"So. Is there a Mr. Alien?" Chi-Chi asked.
"No. I did have a partner, but it was more forced than anything. He's dead now. Good riddance I say."
The room was quiet for a moment.
"Well... My son here is single, which was just a joke, but caused both Gohan and Zangya to choke. After choking they laughed.
"~He is kinda cute isn't he though?~" Zangya said seductively. Gohan blushes.
Heh. Cute indeed. I think I find fun in doing this.

After the meal, they talked and eventually got them to leave. She sighed and had faceplants on the table.
"..." She walked outside and looked around.
"I'd like to train but it's dull having no one around... Well I could ask them... But I really don't want to..."

A couple weeks later...

"I need a training partner."
"What?!" Gohan was dragged outside as Chi-Chi rushed out.
"Hey wait a minute! You can't just take my son!"
"Don't worry, I just need to borrow him." She flies off towards an open field.
"I never agreed to this, you know?" Gohan said, dangling from her hand.
"I know but I didn't ask." She dropped him and lands.
"Look if I don't spar with someone soon, I'm gonna lose my mind and you're perfect."
"Why do I keep getting into these messes?" He said as he gets into his stance.
Zangya raised her hand and created a red energy ball. Gohan got ready and exhaled.
"Fine let's do this then." He went Super Saiyan and dashed as she fired her Shoot Blaster.

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