Chapter IV

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Videl and Goten seemed to be able to fly fast now, with Goten still flying way faster, because of the gap between their power levels and the extra training Gohan gives after Videl goes home.

Zangya, Videl, Goten and Gohan all chatted as they ate a light meal after a little bit of warm up training.
"So this school you go to, do you think they'd let someone like me in? If I'm gonna live here, I feel I should know more then just the basics that most world's do like money's and food?" Zangya asked, hearing the two talk about their school.
"I'm sure we could." Gohan said with a smile.
"I don't know. They might not trust you, being from another world. Plus, the skin is a good target for bullies." Videl noted to them.
"Racism. Seems to be all over the galaxy." Zangya sighed.
"Hey, what if we got Bulma to make you a disguise? Like how she made my Great Saiyaman get up?" Gohan suggested.
"As if. If I'm doing something, I'll go as myself. I'm not ashamed nor will I take the words of a bully." She fired at Gohan who leaned back.
"It was only a suggestion... I prefer you with blue skin."
Videl and Zangya looked at each other then to Gohan.
"So, you like blue skin huh?" Videl said with an eyebrow raised.
"My my Gohan, we barely know each other. Quick to crush on little ole me?" Zangya said as Gohan falls back.
"What?! I... You... You two are doing this on purpose!"
To which the girls laughed.
"Hey guys, could we train some more?" Goten asked.
"Yes we can!" Gohan said, glad to change the subject.
"So what are we gonna do today?" I was thinking of a little sparring but who should spar with who?"
"I think it's clear." Said Zangya as she stood.
"Girls vs Boys."
Videl and Goten liked the sound of it so Gohan agreed.
"Alright. Let's get ready." They separated and thought of a plan.

"Alright you girls ready?" Gohan asked.
They nodded as everyone got in fighting stances. Gohan threw a rock into the air as they waited for it to come down.

Zangya and Videl dived and dashed at Gohan, and started unleashing a duel combo, leaving Goten standing there.
Gohan, not expecting this, could not dodge and block the girls and took multiple hits before Goten finally decided to charge in, getting the attention of Zangya as she was headbutted in the side, sliding away from Gohan and Videl.
"Okay, little one, let's see what you got. Don't hold back now."
"If you say so." He replied as he charged.

Videl, without Zangya, could do little to hurt Gohan, but she is able to surprise him with some of her attacks, especially when he would get distracted and glance over to Goten and Zangya. Videl seen this as an opportunity, and with her signature move, the Eagle Kick, kneed Gohan's jaw, causing him to bite his tongue. He winced in pain at this as Videl then did one of her father's moves, as she kicked Gohan three times in the face, and by accident, the last kick had ki on it. Gohan fell on him butt, rubbing his cheek.
"Ouch. Wow Videl. I didn't see that coming. Also, putting ki on your foot like that was amazing."
"Wait, you're not hurt? Even from that?!" Videl started at him.
"No, my face does hurt a little, plus you still have a ways to go."
Videl seemed angry at this before Goten was sent flying between them.
"Owie." He said as he got back up.
"Wow, miss Zangya. You're really strong." Goten said with a smile.
"Sorry about that, Goten. Didn't mean to kick you that hard."
"It's fine." He giggles.
Videl sighed.
"I'm heading home. I'll send the last couple of days of training there." Videl said as she got into her capsule plane and left.
"Gohan did you get your butt kicked?" Zangya asked.
"More like my face... And my tongue..."
They laughed as Zangya looked around.
"Hey Goten. You can run along home first. I'd like to talk to Gohan for a bit." She said.
"What about?" He asked her, tilting his head.
"Just bored things like school and what not."
"Okay. I'd rather head home first if that it." He took off.
"You don't really want to talk about school do you?" Gohan said.
"Gohan..." Zangya said with sigh.
"You and me right now."
"I want to see how strong you really are Gohan so don't hold back." Zangya powered up, her red aura flowing around her.
"Wait, right now?"
"Yes. It's been a few years since we fought seriously."
"Huh? What do you mean?" Gohan asked before she kneed him in the stomach and kicked him away.
"What's gotten into you?! What do you mean, a few years?" Zangya blasted at him as he flew backwards and sideways to dodge them.
"Fine then!" He shouted as his hair glowed and her charged her. Trading blows, Zangya could tell he was stronger back then, during the tournament when they showed up. Gohan was confused.
What did she mean?
Have we met before?
And what is up with her power level right now?
She's been holding back this whole time?!
After a while, Gohan couldn't land any hits on her, and he was knocked to the ground. When he looked up she had charged up her Blaster Shoot, but this time it was much bigger.
"Show me that other form, Son of Goku! Show me now!" She launched the attack. Gohan couldn't dodge this, or the land for miles would be wasted.
"Damnit Zangya! HA!" Gohan powered up as the ball came closer, before it stopped. Gohan flew up, lifting it into the air and blasting it into orbit as it exploded like a firework.
They now stared at each other before Zangya charged energy in her hand. Gohan just stared as she fired.
"HA!" Gohan shouted as the blast bounced back and directly hit her. Zangya fell from the sky, as she had put a good bit of energy into it.
Gohan flies down, and catches her in his arms.
"Huh?" She looked at him, staring into those Super Saiyan eyes.
"Zangya... You... You were with Bojack. Wasn't you." She sighed.
"Yes... Yes I was Gohan..."
"..." Gohan stared at her.
"If you're gonna kill me, go ahead... I deserve it." She said as he sat her on a rock. She looked away, now able to look at him, but the response, was one she didn't expect. She felt a shirt being put on her. She looked back and Gohan had taken off his upper gi, and put it on her. Zangya turned to him, almost blushing at the shirtless Saiyan.
"Zangya. I can tell that you're a good person. Even if you have done bad in the past, you seem like a totally different person. So, no. I'm not gonna harm you at all." He powered down as he gave her a smile.
" you..." She felt flustered.
"Um... But why the shirt?"
"Oh. Yours has another hole in it." He chuckled. Zangya blushed more as she tucked it in and made sure nothing was showing.
"I should probably stop by your place and give your mom my clothes to repair again, huh?"
"Yeah. Come on" he picks her back up.
"What? You're hurt. You don't need to use up too much energy." He flies off.
"I'm..." Zangya sighed.
'im not that hurt but... Why do I like this?'
The flew off to Chi-Chi's and for the next few days, Videl trained alone, Gohan and Goten trained with Zangya showing up sometime later.

Finally the day has come.
The world tournament. Everyone has trained for this day. Everyone started showing up until the gang was together again. Zangya stayed out of sight, nervous. Android 18 pats her shoulder. They already told her who she was and were ready to tell the rest. When she introduced herself, again, Gohan made sure to add how she's changed. Most excepted her, Krillen was a bit nervous, and Vegeta just huffed. Master did get a touch before being slapped into Krillen.
"You never change do you old timer."

Suddenly, behind them all, appeared a man in a familiar orange gi and a lady on a crystal ball.
"Hey Guys." Goku would greet as they cheered and his family and friends hugged him.

(Skipping the kids division cause no change.)

Lot numbers:

1. Krillin vs. Zangya
2. Piccolo ("Ma Junior") vs. Shin
3. Videl vs. Spopovich
4. Gohan (Great Saiyaman) vs. Kibito
5. Mr. Satan vs. Android 18
6. Goku vs. Vegeta
7. Mighty Mask vs. Killa
8. Bo vs. Yamu

Being a call back to their fight in the past, but this time Krillen did not go down in just a few hits. In the end, Zangya was the victor, suffering little to medium damage as she was going easy on him.

Match 2 and 3 would play out as normal, but lasting a little bit longer since Videl had a better control of the ki thanks to Zangya. This time around, both Gohan and Zangya would get angry, glowing with energy as they could only watch.

And the fourth match.
Gohan would power up and get his energy absorbed.
Videl would be held back by Goku and Zangya by Piccolo.

Spopovich, Yamu, and the hooded figure named Bo would fly off. As Kibito healed Gohan the gang would fly after them with Shin.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 01, 2023 ⏰

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