Chapter III

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Gohan flies through the dust clouds created by Zangya's attack. She pursues him and goes in for a punch but is blocked by his arm. He goes to kick her but she grabs his leg and spins him around before slamming him into the ground, leaving a few cracks in the ground. Gohan flips up and dusts off.
"Wow. You're pretty good..." He looked at her.
"What? Done already?" Zangya asked him.
"No. But you're fighting style..."

Oh sh**! Is he remembering? What should I say? What should I do? I might be able to take him, but if he uses... That form...

"Never mind

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"Never mind. I'm ready for more. Let's go." He summons his golden aura again and charges her. They clash and rapidly start attacking each other throughout the field. Gohan was getting hit a lot for some reason and Zangya couldn't understand why. She stops her fist in front of his face then opened it before a Ki Wave Cannon forces his towards the ground. Before he hits the ground though, he regains his balance and lands on his feet.
"Have any comments on my style now?" Zangya asked, smirking at the 17 year old.

(Yes. In this story, I'm making him the anime age, not the manga age of 16. I feel like I should address this so I'm inserting it here. Back to the story then).

Gohan looked up at her.
"Yeah. It's kind of menacing to be honest." He said while scratching his cheek with a finger.
"Oh. Do you have a problem with that?" She floats down, in a sitting position, as she gently lands on a big stone that was created during their clashes. Gohan smiled as he powered down.
"No, not at all. I've fought next to use to be villains before and they had some brutal ways of fighting." He said, thinking about his master, Piccolo, and the Saiyan Prince, Vegeta.
"I remember this one time when I was 4, my master threw me at a mountain in order to get me to unleash my power."
They laughed at his memory for a moment. Zangya went quiet first and the memory brought back a flashback of when Bojack pushed her in front of his attack. Being thrown as a distraction? She'd much rather be chunked into a mountain.
"Zangya? Is everything alright?" Gohan asked, as he was right in front of her face. She gasped and fell back, off the rock, accidentally kicking his chin as she fell. Gohan leaned over, scratching his chin.
"I didn't mean to startle you, it's just you were space out a whole minute there."
"I was?" She asked, as she hopped up.
"Sorry... Just remembering something..." She dusted herself off.
"I think I'm done training for now. Thanks." She floats up and starts to fly off.
"Hey Zangya." Gohan started, causing her to slow down and turn towards him.
"If you ever want to do this again, I won't mind."
"You know, you're not too shabby. But you'll never amount to anything." She turned.
"Huh? I..."
"Unless, you get back to training, that is."
Gohan just stared at her for a moment.
"Call me.~" She flew off, back towards the mountains.
"She's right... But, something seemed, familiar..."

"Her eyes

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"Her eyes... So cold. Yet so..."
"Gohan! It's time to eat!" Goten shouted as he flew down on the nimbus.
"Oh right..."
"Where is Zangry?"
"Zangya, Goten. And she just left."
"She must have won."
"Huh? What makes you think that?"
"You're on the ground and your face is a little red."
"N-no it's not! It's just, tanned. From the Sun."
"If you say so."
"Yes I say so. So let's go eat!"
"Okay." They sat upon the nimbus and flew home.

Zangya arrived home and had face-planted into her bed.
"Why... The HELL did I say that?!" She slipped under the fur blankets.
"Call me? It sounded like a flirt too! Oh I hope he doesn't think I was..."


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"Though... He is kinda cute... In a dorky way. NO!" She buried her face into the blankets.
"No. He's a dork and he'll never have the chance to have a beautiful woman such as myself." Zangya took a short nap then ate, before heading into Town.
"Okay. I have to face the truth. I need Earth currency. Aka, Zenie. So I need to get a j..." She turned to see a poster titled, "World Martial Arts Tournament."
"Oh yeah. It's all coming together."

Some time later, at the Son Residence.
Zangya landed and knocked on the door. Chi-Chi opened it with a smile.
"Zangya. What a pleasant surprise. Come on in."
"Thanks. I'll be out of your hair soon, I just need to talk to Gohan."
"Gohan seems to be popular with the ladies lately." Chi-Chi commented.
"Oh? Do tell?" Zangya was intrigued.
"Well there's this girl in his class who's been blackmailing him into teaching her to fly. I was upset at first but I think she's starting to develop a crush on my handsome young man. She even cut her hair for him."
"No way. Really? I'd never cut my hair. You know how long it took to grow it this long?" They laughed as Gohan came down the stairs.
"Oh. Hey Zangya. What brings you here? I trained with you earlier and I have a friend coming over to train with me so I can't..."
"I'm here because of you, Gohan.~" she interrupted him, putting two fingers on his chest and making them walk up as a small bit of blush appeared on his face. She then raised her hand to his forehead and flicked him. She laughed.
"Hey. What was that for?" He asked as Chi-Chi giggled.
"No reason. But I did come by to talk to you"
"Oh. Really. What about?"

Suddenly a familiar voice, to most, spoke to all of the friends and family of the Son's. It was none other than Goku himself. He was speaking from Otherworld through King Kai's powers. To sum it up, because of all the good he's done, he's able to have a whole day to return to Earth. Everybody was excited and pumped that he was also joining the tournament, too.

"Oh. Sorry Zangya. What was you gonna tell me?" Gohan asked.
"I was gonna asked if you want to train for the tournament that man was talking about."
"Of course. If I don't, then I won't lay long against my dad."
"Dad? Wait! Was that Goku's voice?!"
"Huh? You know my dad?"
"N-NO! I... I heard about him was all. He's supposed to be really strong right?"
"Yeah. You bet he is."
"Okay. Tomorrow then?"
"Yeah, but it'll have to be after school."
"School. What trying to be a professor?"
"Yeah actually."
"Oh .............. Well see you tomorrow afternoon." Zangya then flew off.
"Gohans got a date with a cute alien?"
"What?! Mom no! We're just training. Besides, Goten will be there too cause I promised him I'd train him too."
"Hehe. Okay. Goten take care of your brother now."
"Yes ma'am."
Goten and Chi-Chi laughed as they went inside.

(Skipping a couple of days of training to where videl is flying faster. Since zangya was around, she seemed to help videl understand the flow of energy. But I will give y'all the first impression on Videl)

Zangya meets Videl.
"So you're the blue skinned girl that helped the golden warrior?"
Zangya looked at Videl up and down for a moment.
"What? Is there a problem?"
"Oh my. What an adorable little girl."

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