Chapter 1: Life in a Tour Plane

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Daylight shone across the sky upon half of the Earth. And this half of the Earth came from the countries from North and South America. Within this land was a white airplane. Not just any plane, but a business plane. Inside, you could see a bedroom, involving two beds. Each had two creamy, ivory pillows, a mattress and a blanket. The floor is wooden brown with the ceiling and the walls being white. Placed on the walls, five centimeters from each other were windows.

Sleeping in the bed on the right was a figure.

As soon as the sun rays landed on the figure, eyes were shot opened. The figure's body stretched out before rising onto the sitting position.

This figure turned out to be Rhea. Rhea's fingers moved across her eyes. Her misty vision, then turned into a clear one. Her legs moved to the right side of her bed and her feet landed on the ground. The soles of her feet pushed her out of the bed.

Rhea stretched out her body once again before she walked her way to the closet on her right corner. On top of the closet, there laid her comb and her black ponytail.

Once she retrieved them, Rhea's ponytail slipped through her hand up until the bottom part of her wrist. Her feet moved to the window. Her head seemed to slightly be down, but her eyes were shifted in the down direction outside the window. What she saw below her was a smooth, gray surface. That means the plane landed somewhere.

Rhea walked her way outside the bedroom door on the northwest corner of her bed. Her feet sank in to her gray inside slippers. As she walked straight past the dining room, something ran across her eyes.

Rhea's eyes blinked and her head turned to her right. Right before her was the rest of her family, eating breakfast.

Her face was plastered with surprise. Usually, Rhea would do some exercise after combing her hair outside the house. In case she was in a business plane, she would do the same when the plane had landed on the surface or maybe she would do it on the corner beside the door when the plan is still flying. This time, what she saw before her led to an impact crushing inside of her.

With that, Rhea placed the comb on one of the kitchen tables and tied her hair into a ponytail. Then, she walked her way towards the dining table.

"Mornin'," she said to her family in a bit of a flat tone. Rhea's lips stretched out a slight smirk as she said this.

"Good morning," Diona said in a sweet, almost singing-like voice.

"Good morning," Ray replied to Rhea.

Rhea made her way to her usual chair and sat down. Right before her was a bowl of Quaker Oats mixed with Milo milk powder and hot water. Her head looked around and saw the dishes served to the rest of her family. Ray had one overcooked Sunnyside up egg with fried rice. Diona also had a Sunnyside up egg with fried rice, but this Sunnyside up egg almost had no crisp on the edges. Ralpha had scrambled eggs with ketchup on it. And also with rice.

Assuming that they already prayed before they ate, Rhea folded her hands, closed her eyes and mentally prayed her usual prayer. After the prayer ended, she naturally opened her eyes and unfolded her hands. Then, she started eating.

A freestyle conversation flowed upon the Daniels family. It was Ralpha who started the conversation. But it didn't last long as Diona turned to him in an expression that says "I'm correcting you."

"Ralpha, it's time to eat. It's not time to talk," she would usually say to him.

Ralpha's eyebrows furrowed in annoyance. At the same time, his eyes almost looked like they were squinting. He let out an annoyed grunt and turned to his mom.

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