🍂 Chapter 7

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< °°Y/N's P. O.V°° >

"And he said and I quote 'I hope your stupid face boyfriend knows what's he getting into'. What does that even mean? He thinks I'm too much to handle huh? Seriously, his existence annoys me so much."

Jimin stares at me with an unreadable expression.

"What?" I asked.

"You spent the whole lunch time talking about Jungkook!" He said.

" Yeah and so?"

" Well, I think he occupies your mind more than your boyfriend. Now that's a serious issue." Jimin stated with an evil smile.

" Yes. And that issue is Jeon Jungkook.He just gets on my nerves."

"Yeah and your mind as well." He chuckled.

" You think this is funny?"

" No but I think it's cute how you think he is annoying and yet he is the one you think about most of the time and he is the one you talk about everytime."

"You're getting annoying too!"

He laughed as he got up.

"You should probably clear things out with him. Maybe, you would see him in a different perspective then." Jimin advised.

" You think so? But what would I tell him?"

"Everything that you just said to me. Ask him when you're confused about what he says, ask him if he hates you or just why he is concerned about you or maybe why he cares about you."

"And you think we'll have a proper conversation without him getting on my nerves?"

"Maybe, if you try not to react, you'd probably have your type of decent conversation, atleast give him a chance." 

"Ughh, I'll see.."


" That sounds so tiring." I said to Nate as he told me about the tasks he covered at work today.

"Maybe, but I love my job so I don't really mind." He shrugs smilingly.

I was about to tell him about my day and how I bagged a very important project at work today when his phone interrupted us.

"Oh, it's Rowan." He said before picking up. "Hey man, oh yes I remember..like now? Okay, at what time? Uhuh.. no yeah I'll be there, don't worry."

"I'm so sorry babe, Rowan, my friend is leaving for London tomorrow and won't be back until after a week so he made plans with some friends, drinks and all. I'm so sorry.,I'm just- I'll make it up to you, I promise."

I looked at him confusingly. Did he just cut our date short because of a friend who is going to London but returning after a week anyways?

My expression must have shown how disappointed I was but I didn't really know how to voice out my thoughts right now.

"Babe, if you want-do you want me to call him and cancel? Rowan would probably be disappointed, but if you want I'll-"

"No need. You already told him you were coming. Just, just drop me home, Nate." I said.

"Babe, I promise I'll make it up to you."

" Well then when you do,I hope you won't let anything of this sort interrupt us."

" I promise." He said before placing his lips on mine.

Maybe,  this time he really has to go and maybe he didn't think and just said yes. It can happen, right. Even if I'm disappointed, maybe I shouldn't be that mad at him, afterall he promised to make it up to me, no?



I'm busy with revision,my exams start next week, and I'm trying to learn a whole semester's syllabus in 5 days.  HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHA.

I'll try to update if I can, but if you don't hear from me, know that I'm drowning myself with revision and stuffs.

This is a small update, I know, I'm sorry, but because of the exams ughh🥲

I want to develop this story well, I hope I don't mess up🥲 but yeah ugh.. I'm stressed pfft.

Anyways, I wanted to say thanks to everyone who read "My First Love".IT HIT 100K. BIG THANK YOU, BIG HUGS,I PURPLE Y'ALL💜

Also, I've seen some real bad comments, mostly some cursing the main characters, or saying inappropriate words on my first fanfiction, please know that I'll delete those type of comments. I won't tolerate a single comment cursing or saying some really mean words to other people in the comment section or about the main characters.

If you can't say/write anything nice, then don't even say/write anything. Thank you.


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