🍂 Chapter 20

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< °°Y/N's P. O.V°° >

I don't what happened, how it happened but yes I ended up in Jungkook's room instead of mine.

All I remember was getting in the cab, how did I pass out and why am I instead of my room, no idea.

"You're up!" Jungkook said as he stepped out of the bathroom.

"For how long was I sleeping?" I asked.

"Three hours I think!" He said smilingly as he dried his hair with the towel.

I watch as he tidied his stuffs and walked to the bathroom to keep the towel in its place.

As he finished his what I assumed might be his night routine, he walked towards the bed, and sat down on the other side.

"Do you, maybe , what to talk about it?"

I hummed in question.

"About what happened?"

I sighed and after a few seconds of mentally debating, I told him everything and he sat there listening to me attentively, not saying a word, not interrupting, just listening to me.

"And I felt like it was all happening again. Everyone just leaves. I really thought he was making an effort, but he was not, he was just playing and lying to me." I cried.

"And that is not your fault. Don't ever blame yourself for what he did. There are no excuses for someone to cheat. He cheated because he wanted to, and he did it again and again because again he wanted. He could have put a stop to all of this, he could have controlled himself, he could have been real with you, but he chose this himself, he chose to cheat, he chose to fuck up what you thought you had with him. Why? Because he doesn't respect you."

Jungkooks pulls me towards him, engulfing me in his arms and I sobbed uncontrollably.

"He can say he loves you or he loved you, but he never respected you. I feel bad for encouraging you to try again with him, but again I did, because this is what you wanted. But this doesn't make you a dumb person, this makes him a fool, because he didn't know how to keep you in his life. He didn't know how to respect you, protect you, how to love you and that's not on you. You tried, I saw you trying, everyone did, if he couldn't do his part, then don't you dare shed tears for him because he doesn't deserve you. He doesn't."

I stayed in his arms, my head on his chest as he caressed my hair and rubbed my arm occasionally. Who would have thought out of all people I'd call Jungkook and he'd be the one comforting me.

" Did you tell Jimin?" Jungkook asked.

"Not yet. But I'll call him."

"I think he called you earlier when we were in the cab, but you were sleeping I didn't want to wake you up." He said.

"He did? I didn't-where is my phone?" I asked him.

He got up and brought my phone which was on the table next to the couch.

"I'm hungry.." I said as I took the phone from him. "Woahh.. Jimin sent so many messages."

He called a few times, but I was shocked to see the number of messages he sent.

"I should call him." I said.

"Do you want me to get something for you to eat?" Jungkook offered.

"Yes please! Wait, you'll go alone?"

"Yeah!" He shrugged. "You can call Jimin in the meantime, I won't be out too long."



That asshole." Jimin spits out angrily. "Are you okay though?"

"I am, I mean I'm doing better now that Jungk-"

"Yes Mom, I'll call you later." Jungkook enters the room interrupting my conversation with Jimin.

" Wait? Is that a man?" Jimin asked and before I could reply he added. "WHAT IS THAT MAN DOING IN YOUR ROOM? WHO ARE YOU WITH?"

Jungkook laughs as he takes a seat next to me on the couch.

"It's me, Jimin."

"Huh? Jungkook?"

"Yes! How are you?"

"Wait- No, I was good but please explain how, what? Aren't you supposed to come back?"

I take a bite of the chicken wrap as I listened to Jungkook telling Jimin the whole story of how he ended up here.

"Woahh.. I'm so jealous." Jimin pouted. "If only I could run away from this job."

"You love your job." I stated.

"Yeah, but I want a break."

"You can always take a break." I shrugged.

"I'll take one when you come back. Anyways, I have to go now guys, but Y/N, don't you dare cry for that asshole. You deserve better, the best actually, don't let anyone make you feel that you aren't worth it. Okay?"

I nodded.

"I love you, bestie!" He said smilingly.

"Love you too, bestie!"

"I'll go now, take care of yourself! Bye Jungkook!"

"Bye Bye, see ya!" Jungkook replied before I hanged up.



I have just created an Instagram account basically a Bookstagram to share my book recommendations and reviews.

If anyone wants to add me: @miniessona on instagram

If anyone wants to add me: @miniessona on instagram

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The pic above is my account. Please, feel free to add me🥺💜

I hope you liked this chapter, it's nothing big,I'm having a little eye issue due to which I can't update as I want, it's a little hard to stare at the screen for more than 30 mins.

Don't forget to share and vote🌟

Please do take care of yourselves and I'll see you soon hopefully🥺💜

Jimin's solo album is also releasing this week, I'm so excited!!😭


Also, don't forget to add me on Instagram🥺 That is if you want to!🩷

Bye bye.. and see you soon🥺
I purple you💜

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