🍂 Chapter 14

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< °°Y/N's P. O.V°° >

I hurried to my room as soon as we reached home, leaving Jungkook in the living room.

I jump in the shower while Jungkook is probably ordering some takeout for us.

As soon as I finished, I head to the kitchen to find Jungkook doing something? Uh cooking?

"What are you doing?" I asked.

He raises his eyebrow in question.

" Okay, stupid question. Why are you cooking? Didn't we decide on ordering something?"

" We did but then I felt like cooking." He shrugs.

"Well, I'm starving so I won't stop you and it smells so good already. You need help?"

"Nope! Just go and rest. I'll call you when it's ready."

" You sure?"

"Yes, Y/N!"

I watch as he stays focused in whatever he is making, I can't even bother to ask. How can someone look this fine while cooking?

You have a boyfriend, Y/N.

"Is there something on my face?" Jungkook asks.


"Yeah? Yet you've been staring at me."

"Not at you. At the, at the food yes at the food and I'm just thinking yeah I just zoned out." I rambled.

Jungkook smiles and that smile tells me enough. He doesn't believe a single thing I just said.

"How long will it take?"

"Couple of minutes."

"Okay, I'll set the table in the meantime." I said.

Jungkook places the food on the table as I wash my hands.

"How is it?" He asked as I take the first bite.

"You should just quit photography and everything, Chef Jungkook." I said before taking another bite. " And you should stop staring at me and focus on your food."

" Oh I wasn't staring at you, I was just looking at the food and and just zoned out yeah." He mimicked.

"Shut up, Jungkook."

He laughs and we finish the rest of the dinner while bickering.


After insisting to wash the dishes, and losing the fight with Jungkook, he pushed me out of the kitchen and cleaned everything. But I should say, it felt nice to just have someone take care of you like this.

Sometimes, it's a little confusing with Nate. I don't understand where I stand, where our relationship stands in his life actually. Sometimes, I feel we're making progress and sometimes it feels like we are moving backwards.

With Jungkook however, it's not confusing. We didn't like each other at the start, but now we can breathe in the same room for atleast a few minutes compared to how it was in middle school and high school.

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