🍂 Chapter 11

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< °°Y/N's P. O.V°° >

"Hey Princess!" I looked up from my screen. " Saw your boyfriend just now, he looks even more stupid in the office."

"Shut up, Jungkook." I rolled my eyes. "You done with the meeting?"

"Yeah, I'll fix the date for the shoot. Your boss will send you to the studio to represent the company." He says.

"WHAT?" I yelled to which I caught everyone's attention in the office. " I mean uh why?"

"Well, you were the one who convinced me, so I might have convinced him that if you aren't there with me during the shoot, I'll probably opt out."

"And just why would you do that?" He shrugged.

"Jungkook!!" I whined.

"What? You hate my company that much." He pouted.

" No that's- firstly just stop making this face and no I don't hate it or maybe I do but I got other stuffs to handle here-"

"I'll handle it." Jimin said, interrupting me. " How are you doing, Kook?"

Kook? Right.

"Now that you solved Y/N's biggest worry, I feel completely fine."

"You're welcome." Jimin replied smilingly.

" So, I'll confirm the date, and inform you, Princess. See ya Jimin." He said as he head out.

I turned around only to see Jimin's weird grin.

" Sometimes I hate you." I tell him.

"What did I do now?"

" Hello?? I'll handle it."  I mimicked.

"See, I'd take a loan to pay to watch that man working, photographing, or just breathing, and you getting it for free, gurl, why miss that chance?"

"Because I already have a boyfriend to look at."

"Well, would you want someone else to go there? Someone else from this company?"

"To just try get into Jungkook's pants instead of doing their job? Yeah, no thanks."

"Exactly, bestie. Go, do your job." He smirked.

"Shut up and get back to work."


"When did it happen?" I listen as Nate has his conversation with one of his most important friend. " Seriously? I could come and visit you."

What the fuck.

" Yeah, now? Oh they are all there? Okay then, give me an hour." He said as he hanged up.

" You have to go again?"

"Logan, he got injured yesterday. All of my friends are there with him right now. It'll look bad if I don't go too, no? I'll drop you home-"

"No need. It won't look bad that you're dropping your girlfriend to look good for everyone else. I can go by myself."

"Y/N, don't be like this-"

"Like what?" I snapped.

"He is hurt. I'm just doing what I should do as a friend."

"Okay, I get it. Just go,be a good friend."

"Y/N-" I walk away before he could explain himself again.

Ever since I started dating him, it's always him leaving me because he needs to be there for a friend. It happened so many times now that I can't even count.

He tries to be good for every friend while keeping me to the side as if I mean nothing to him and the moment I say something, I'm seen as a bad girlfriend.

It's not like I have an issue, he can go and hang out with his friends whenever he wants, but that doesn't mean to drop me in the middle of a date the moment he gets a call from his friends. I feel like I'm not a priority, just an option, and the second he has a better option, he drops me.

I cry as I walk to the bus stop earning looks from everyone on the street.


Author's Note

Thank you so much for reading and appreciating.

I'm currently missing BTS💔😭 a lot these days, I still have the new Jin and Joon's contents to watch. I think I'll just go watch some to feel better.

Don't forget to share and vote🌟

I purple you💜

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