🍂 Chapter 24

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< °°Y/N's P. O.V°° >

"Are you tired?" I asked Jungkook as we sat on the couch after dinner, trying to find a movie to watch.

"I'm alright!" He replied.

"Jimin was asking about you today!" I said. "He said he didn't want to disturb you as you'd already be stressed about your dad and all."

"I'll call him tomorrow!"

Why is it so hard to ask if he is okay.

I cleared my throat.

"You want coffee? Or anything?" I asked mentally cursing myself for not being able to talk to him about himself.

"Naa, I'm good!" He said as he leaned back on the couch, closing his eyes.

I stared at him. He looks tired, sad and stressed. I wish I could just tell him things are going to be fine and comfort him!

"Jungkook.." I said after a few minutes of silence and he hummed in response. "Are you okay?"

He opened his eyes and turned to face me.

"Your Dad.. umm he is going to be fine, don't worry!"

Jungkook moves closer to me, and I felt my body go stiffed. He wraps his arms around me and buried his face in the crook of my neck.

It wasn't that I've never hugged a guy before, heck I hugged Jungkook a few times too but I don't know why my heart was racing and my cheeks were getting hot.

Is it the weather?

Jungkook pulled me even closer and then I realised that I was sitting like a robot and not even moving or hugging him back.

I put my arms around his shoulders and we stayed like this for a couple of minutes before Jungkook spoke first.

"I'm scared!" He confessed. "Scared that I'll go to sleep, and when I wake up, he won't be here."

I remained silent and that pushed him to continue.

"I'm, I know that my dad and I, we aren't on good terms. He always wanted me to be someone he planned. It's like, it's like he never really asked me or cared enough of what I wanted. But that didn't make me hate him, he is my father, I know that, but I can't always be the person he wants me to be specially if I'm not happy while doing it."

I gave slow pats on his back. He pulled me even closer, if that was even possible. His breath on my neck was making it hard for me to form phrases to respond to him.

"I don't want him to leave. Even if we disagree with each other so much, I don't want him to leave right now. Once, he was my hero, and I wanted to show him that I'm capable, I'm standing on my feet and I'm self-dependent. I'm successful but above all I'm where I am today because I chose the path that I wanted for myself and beyond all that I'm happy, I'm happy and as a father I only want him to be happy for me, be happy that I tried, I did it and I'm happy."

" He won't leave. He is going to be fine and you'll use that time to talk to him, not to argue, not to fight him, but talk to him, tell him calmly about everything, make him understand you. I know he'll get you. He can be strict, he can be mad at you but he is still your father. He never hated you, he loved you, if he forgot, then remind him who he was to you and how you're hurt that he failed to understand you."

"And what if it doesn't work again?" He asked.

" Then we'll see! If this time he doesn't get you, we'll leave it to that! Okay?"

He hummed.

"What if he doesn't get well?"

"He will get well! Let's do something, as soon as we wake up tomorrow, we'll go to the hospital together, hmm?"

"Yes! You'll go with me?" He asked as he lifts his head up to look at me.

"I will!" I looked back at him.


"What do you mean why?" I asked back.

"Why will you go with me? Why are you taking care of me?"

"Because I want to!" I said. " I want to be there for you, with you."

We stared at each other and it's like something pulled us to each other and soon his lips were on mine.

His tongue caressed mine and I closed my eyes as I felt his hands on my cheeks.

I slide my hand in his hair and he moaned in the kiss. His hands were now on my waist, and I was gently pulled on his lap as he leaned back on the couch, pulling away to let us both breathe before kissing me again.

We pulled away again after, breathless, and I rest my forehead against his.

What just happened?

I couldn't even think properly. Jungkook lifted me up in his arms and carried me to my bedroom.

"Can I?" He asked and I nodded.

He slide under the duvet, next to me and pulled my body to him, my back to his front and I don't know when I drifted off, with his arm around my waist.



I took two days off from working on my assignment and spent the whole day cleaning my room today. I'm so tired but I thought I could just write one chapter before I go to sleep.

So here you go!


Anyways, Hobi was live today and ahh that was a little painful! My heart is heavy! His eyes were teary, pfft it really hurts! However, I hope this time flies and we have them all back soon!

Have a great day/night!

Take care of yourselves and remember to give yourselves double the love that you give to others❤️

Also, thank you so much for 10k🥺❤️

I purple you💜

Don't forget to share and vote🌟

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