Chapter 3

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"So I think this is a whole lot of catering even for 255 guests and I don't even know if everyone will show up Ky what the hell am I supposed to do" I panicked pacing back in forth in my apartment. I couldn't map out the exact amount of guests since the Heighns had almost everyone coming. I had to make phone calls to see who would be vip and which staff would be right to serve.

Sighing I shook my head "God I don't know why I even let Luke talk me into this" placing his hand on my back Ky gently massaged my shoulders "Trust me you got this girl he wouldn't have picked you if he didn't trust you as much as he does" nodding I agreed mentally and calmed down a bit but I was still on edge.

Tomorrow Morning

I was in the middle of a steamy shower and I heard my phone ring. Answering it through my Bluetooth I saw it was Luke. "Hey what's up?" I asked "Are you showering right now?" He asked off the bat hearing the water run. I laughed bitterly "Yea couldn't sleep last night because of late rearranging thing things so I needed something to wake me up" explaining to him.

"Everything looks amazing and I can't wait to see the lady who put in the amazing work" he said cheerfully laughing I said goodbye and hung up finishing my shower and went to decide what I should wear until the part. "Hmmm something comfy but professional" I said to myself. Finally deciding on a black mini skirt along with a ruffled baby blue three button collared blouse and my black wedges.

My hair wasn't really something I had to worry about as it was naturally curly but had some kink and definition to it I usually wore it in an afro letting my curly bands out. 'Some hoop earrings would definitely finish the look' I thought to myself so I grabbed my small gold one and lip oil and headed out the door.

I couldn't afford walking today and go through what I had to yesterday and I was in a skirt so that was a big no no. What else was there to do besides ride my motorcycle. It wasn't professional and I didn't want to disrupt the company but fuck it I had no choice left so I went back and grabbed my cars keys connecting the key to my apartment with it heading back out and kicking the door. My bike wasn't really distracting as far as how it looked it was a metallic navy blue and had a small rose where I sat.

Starting the engine I drove off to my destination and enjoyed the breeze on my hair and face. As I pulled into staffs garage I I parked my car and got off as some who were on lunch brake glanced but didn't really mind. I was liked by everyone here most who were still looking were surprised or amazed I was actually riding a motorcycle to work.

Greeting Meredith as I usually do in the lobby I went to elevator pressing the top floor but suddenly a male voice yelled to hold it I quickly put my foot between the door my wedge almost skipping off but I managed to slip it on as he made it inside. It seemed to be the same gentleman from yesterday. I don't think I've ever seen him and if I have I would've remembered a man as attractive as he was.

He had a smooth skin that was almost olive but enough to see it was a tad lighter, gorgeous green eyes with black hair and a clean freshly shaved stubbled and mustache. His body was very fit but not to fit lean in just the right places and a jawline that could make a girls panties drop. I had to avoid making eye contact but I'm great at making it not noticeable.

He was apparently going to the same floor as me since he didn't change it so we sat there in silence not introducing ourselves to one another. As we reached the top floor the door opened and he gestured for me to go ahead out before him and I took the offer. Seeing he had two guests Luke sat up from a crossword puzzle and a cup of coffee to greet us. "Why hello Amara my love, brother dearest" that's when it sank in that this make whom I met yesterday and caught me in a the midst of dying from laughter was one of Luke's brothers.

"Amara please, meet my brother Calvin, Calvin meet the lovely Amara" You could tell they were really and from Italian blood. Both had the same accent only Luke's a bit more Americanized. I'm guessing one of their parents Italian and one Caucasian or of some mixed race but both were attractive either way.

I stood there for about 5 minutes processing the information and then politely smiled hiding how embarrassed I was. "Nice to meet you" I said then hurriedly rushed out forgetting what I was even there for. "Where are you going?" Luke called after me "I'll see you at the party I won't be late promise!" I shouted out. God why have I been so unprofessional these past two days?

I didn't stay at work long so I decided that I'd spend the rest of day shopping for painting items and I'd paint until the party. Something that could relax my mind lord knows I need it. While painting I decided to sip on a little red wine and treat myself to some delicious chocolates. It was something I rarely did but when I do I bring out a joyful wild side but I knew I couldn't get too tipsy remembering I had to attend the party and I was one of the people who were in charge of whether or not it goes right.

Time flies and I find myself looking inside my wardrobe for a dress fit for tonight. My hair and makeup was already finished. My hair in a sleek bun holding my curls while my bangs were styled with two strands of curly hair on each side and my makeup consisted of my eyebrows arched to perfection, my eyes had a little eyeliner and mascara, my lips were lined with a brown lip pencil and setting spray to keep it intact all night. I didn't need a full face from my skin care routine helps my face glow along with a little bit of good lighting for me.

"THAT'S IT!" I yelled happily picking out a dress. It was a navy blue glittery turtleneck dress that had a diamond shaped opening where my cleavage is letting some but no too much reveal themselves. It had a mermaid tail at the end with a slit in the side showing my thigh so I had to walk carefully. Making sure I had everything I got on my bike and put my helmet on so I my hair wouldn't come loose and on my way to the party I was.

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