Hug (short)

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Yujin dragged her feet across the living room, catching the attention of the older girl who was busy doing her report on the dining table.

Minju watches as the girl lazily puts her bag on the couch before standing still for a minute. She was dazing.

"What are you doing?" Minju calls her.

Yujin slowly turns to her and starts walking. It looked as if she had weight tied to her ankles.

Minju used her feet, pushing away from the table when the girl closed in. She knew what it meant with that dull expression Yujin had.

"Had a bad day?" she asks as Yujin places herself on Minju's lap, putting her legs on either side of the girl.

She nods and proceeds to wrap her arms around her waist, nuzzling herself into Minju's neck. "Hug me till I smell like you." she requested.

Minju held back a snicker, reaching forward to close the tabs on her laptop. She wasn't done with her report, but that wasn't her priority.

"Tell me everything about it." she tucks a strand of hair behind Yujin's ear, circling her arms around her.

"Am I incompetent?" Yujin whispers.

Puzzled, Minju tries looking at her. "Did someone say that to you?"

"Not exactly." The younger girl sighs. "But I feel that way."

"Why do you feel that way?" Minju slowly strokes the side of Yujin's head.

"When I do things, it all doesn't turn out right. At least not the way they want it to turn out. Even after re-doing the same thing over and over again, it's still wrong. Maybe because I'm new to all this, I feel like I'm behind everyone. Still, there are people who start where I am and are able to do it better. Does that mean I'm incompetent?"

She looks at Minju with furrowed eyebrows.

The older girl hums, fingers combing into Yujin's hair. "Doing things differently doesn't mean you're incompetent. You just do things your way. It's not wrong, just different. So you don't have to feel that way. To make things easier, all you have to do is learn a different way, but that doesn't mean it's right. It's just another solution that leads to the same answer. You took math right? There are many ways to solve the problem. You just need time to adjust."

Yujin graduated from university not long ago, only managing to snag a job recently. She's in design management. Being in school and out for work is really a different experience, she thinks.

It has been hard for her in terms of getting along with how people think. Not everyone thinks the same way as she does so it's tough for her to communicate.

Fortunately, Yujin's best traits are being open-minded and patient.

Even after having her teammates pushing her around, telling her to make tweaks to the design when they'll go with the original one anyway, she can withstand that. At least.

Yujin gazes at Minju. "Right? I'm just new." she said.

The brunette nods. "Don't worry too much. You'll do fine and I know it." she cups Yujin's head and gives a small peck to her cheek.

The girl melts into her embrace once more with the widest smile she could give. Minju rests her chin on her shoulder as the latter nudges into hers.

"I would hug you to death if I could." Yujin whispers. "I just like this."

i'm getting sick so often it's worrying 😵

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