Masquerade ball pt2

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Y/n's pov:
It all started with a ball then a vampire almost slitting my throat open to Andrea going to solve a riddle for our plan to kill Dorian to work.She starts like giving this dead vampire a hickey by sucking two big gulps of his blood out of his neck.I gotta hand it too her that will probably scar her so much.She gets a mask on her face then goes into the ballroom.I quickly make a circle of salt then wait for them to come out of the ballroom.We see them walk out together and he's inside the circle of salt.Alex quickly shines the sunstone onto Dorian and when he's weak enough Joey slains him through the chest with the stake.Now we all celebrated too early because a woman with a crossbow starts talking while pointing the bow at all of us.With me being at the top of the stairs which means the nearest towards her i stretched my arms out while everyone backed up into the yard.Soon enough we all were surrounded by Vampires
Alison:Mother stop these are my friends
Jesse:thats her mom
Liza:get it mama
Alison:i demand Vampire law,a life for a life
Woman:very well then a life for a life
Alison pulls us inside and apparently we have to vote two people into a challenge where only one gets out.Joey starts trash talking Lauren too the group but destorms name also got thrown in there.We all voted and now we were all waiting
Alison picks another card
Destorm:survival of the fittest
Y/n:come back Lauren
At the beginning of the night me and destorm got on the wrong foot,we both hated each other even though we had no reason too.I really didn't want to have an enemy that might laugh if i die come back after a challenge.I look at Alex and he looks at me i nod towards the door to the library and we get up
Joey:Where are you two going
Alex:We need to chat alone we'll be right next too you guys
We go in the library and Alex just breaks down on my shoulder
Y/n:Alex i know what your thinking but it won't happen Lauren will come back to the group and live
Alex:i know but like she did nothing wrong
Y/n:shhh its ok its ok
I pet his head and his breathing slows we come back to the group when we see Alison come back with Destorm.That means Lauren is dead.Alex loses it when he sits back down.
Destorm:the damn vampires attacked her i couldn't do nothing i tried too
Alex:all i heard was you killed Lauren
Destorm:i didn't kill her i tried to help but she refused
Joey:well we still have to work together if we want to get out of here alive
Alex:No its me and Y/n against everyone
I get up and go towards Alex.I grabbed Alex's hand and made him sit down.
I was so livid with everyone at this point.Alex is right its me and him against everyone and everything.this made me hate destorm even more than i already did.
Andrea:well we got the gem and thats all that matters
Alison:i found this at the beginning of the night
She takes down a picture that overlooks the fireplace and grabs this rams head that has different slots for the gems
Alison:this is where the crown of oblivion resides,to reveal it we have to collect gems that are protected by lieutenants.Each gem will have to resemble a death of one amongst you
Y/n:i came for a ball,i almost get my throat slit open,and now your saying i might never see my family again..That i might not get out of here alive!THIS IS BULLSHIT
Joey:well thats not true-
Gabby:EVERYONE JUST calm down!!
Tana:We're one gem closer to getting the crown not everyone is gonna die we just need to find this next gem
  Destorm puts the gem in place and theres a symbol on the next one that kinda looks like a spider web with a spider on it.
Y/n:guys this next symbol looks like a spider web or a spider creature
Jesse:she's right we just need to be cautious
We hear a sinister laugh behind us and we see fog take over the room..The sorceress comes out and starts talking
Sorceress:This night is truly one of a kind as i welcome the best part..Its the part where you all DIE!
Next thing we know this giant spider thing with a bunch of eyes and not much clothes on comes out.This thing  charges at us and grabs Alex i grab his hand but she fucking bites me in my hand.
We all retreat as the sorceress walks away with the spider thingy and Alex.I groan in pain as i see my hand swelling.Tyler comes over to me and screams like a little girl when he see's my hand
Joey:What—what happened OH MY GOD
Gabby:what happened
Y/n:the fucking spider bit me
Alison:Your lucky it wasn't deep or else her poison would go to your heart and you would die
She says as she wraps my hand.I nod along with what she was saying.
Y/n:i was trying to get back alex
I whisper
Alison:i get it but you can't do that not right now
We finish wrapping my hand and we're trying to find clues on what to do next but all we found was a key to some room that was like an office.We try the key and it works.We walk in and see a body wrapped in some sort of spider web
Liza:Wait is that Alex
Y/n:oh my god it is
I walk over and start to look more closely at the face and yep it indeed is Alex.He sprawls up and starts tearing the web off of him with me helping him.As soon as him stands up i swear i almost knocked him over
Alex's pov:
I woke up tangled in spider web.The last thing i remember is being taken then i blacked out.I try to untangle myself and as soon as i stand up i'm engulfed in a huge hug that knocks me over onto the desk.I realize that its Y/n and once I realize that i hug her immediately back.We stay like that for what feels like forever as nobody says anything until
Joey:Awww so cute
Gabby:Not now Joey but yea i agree
Liza:i ship it
Well there goes that moment!

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