Endless winter night

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Y/n's pov:
Alex:i can't believe she's gone
Andrea:she wouldn't be gone if Joey didn't turn on her
Joey:Me!if anything blame Tyler
Tyler:Why me!
Joey:your the one who killed her!
Y/n:Well technically that dang creature killed her!
Tyler:thank you Y/n!
Alex:This is exactly what the sorceress wants us to do
Y/n:i agree she is trying to make us turn on each other
Joey:ok so how many gems do we need still
Andrea:and we have this
She opens up the scroll and starts to read
To recover the next gem,Outsider
You must save our world from the ice witch's evil wrath
Joey:oh no
Y:n:that does not sound nice
I have placed a compass in the hearth that can lead you to our realm
Tyler:is that a hearth?
Joey and Alex broke the bricks in and turns out theres a dark space behind the fake bricks.Joey pulls out this gorgeous centerpiece with a amethyst looking crystal inside.
Y/n:Wait guys THATS the compass
Joey:it's gorgeous
Y/n:i know right it looks like an amethyst crystal but green
Joey:maybe an emerald?!
Tyler:guys we don't have time to talk about crystals
Alex:is that all the note said
Andrea:it said that it would lead us to their Realm
Joey:Alex is there anything else in there
Alex is rummaging through the open space but can't find anything but a note
Y/n:great probably another riddle
Andrea:its a note
The compass will lead you to the portal between worlds but its source of magic has faded in your realm my spell book has an incantation that will restore the magic
So Joey Im immediately goes over to this cabinet that looks like a castle
Joey:ok theres a lot of books in this
We rummage through all the books and Joey finds it
The spell to restore the magic requires two components a vile of maidens blood and ashes from remains of a hero.One is hidden in the dining room and the other is in the sick room on the second floor.Recover these and you'll be ready to find the spell
Alex:ok well we should split up so Tana,Tyler,and me will go to the dining room to find the ashes
Gabbie:and we'll find the maidens blood
Andrea:ok lets do it
So we split off and i go to the sick room with Joey,Gabbie,and Andrea.
Alex's pov:
We walk into the dining room and see a feast set up on the table.I immediately want to eat everything because of how hungry i am but i refrain myself.
Alex:look for an urn or something made out of clay
I see Tyler walk right past this vase
Alex:oh check right there Tyler
He checks it out but no ashes were inside.We keep looking until theres this painting
Y/n's pov:
We walk into the sick room and it smells funky like a dead body was just in here.
Andrea:ok so we're looking for blood
Joey:wait is this it is this just the blood
Y/n:it could be any one of these too
I say pointing to a whole entire bookcase filled with Viles of blood
Gabbie:ok there is a lot of blood
Joey:yeah i guess
Gabbie:why is there this hospital in this house like what is going on
Y/n:Oh my god im going to throw up
Andrea:why whats wrong
Y/n:blood got on my hand
Gabbie:ew thats gross
Y/n:you know its just a little..bit
I say as i pass out
Joey's pov:
Gabbie's confused,Andrea's asking too many questions,Y/n's passed out on the floor and i just want to go home but i know i have too help to get out of here
Gabbie:its not normal to keep blood in your house is it?
Joey:No it isn't!
Alex's pov:
Tana finds this painting of a captain
Tana:guys look
Captain Wesley Adams
War hero and father
May his ashen remains be encased by clay
Tyler:so something clay looking
I start walking until i find a clay pot i take it out and put it on the table.I grab the urn inside and find the ashes
Alex:found it theres ash in here don't inhale it
Tyler:thats a very strong smell
Alex:so we got it lets go tell the others
We walk out of the dining room into the lounge and see the others aren't back yet
Joey's pov:
Joey:wait guys theres a chart over here
Andrea:oh these all are labeled
Gabbie:so it definitely has to be a female because of the name maiden
Joey:Patient numbers 116,117,125 do they say that on there
Andrea:yea theres numbers ok what were they again
Joey:good ok 116,117,and 125 do you have those yet
Alex's pov:
Alex:i can't believe we found it this quick and their having troubles
Tana:i think at voting we should remember how long it takes people to find something
Tyler:yalls wanna make an alliance
Alex:sure but i'm not voting against Y/n
Tana:thats fine we won't either right Tyler
Tyler:correct she's one of my best friends
Tana:oh my god guys we just made an alliance
Joey's pov:
Joey:wait was 135 one
Gabbie:ok i think its Daria patient 135 she's female she's 18
Andrea:ok someone get Y/n
I go over and carry Y/n down the stairs with the rest of the group
Joey:its not what it looks like she passed out when she saw blood
Immediately Alex rushes over and helps her lay down on the couch.I'm thinking that Alex has a crush on her and Y/n definitely has a crush on Alex
Alex:good thing though is that we found the ashes
Joey:we found the blood
Andrea:i have the incantation or spell i don't know what too call it anymore
Make a circle with the ash and place the object inside
We do as told with the ash and its so disgusting
Joey:oh my god that is DISGUSTING EW EW GROSS!
Say the words of the spell as the maidens blood is poured around the ash in a circle
Andrea:wait do you wanna try it together like say the spell in unison
Y/n:uh? What did i miss oh my god are you guys sacrificing one of us
Gabbie:no we aren't just sit and read from the book with us
Y/n's pov:
It must be the spell how could i be so stupider.I sit down in between Alex and Tyler and read the spell that was written in the book
Group:pela ambella templa elha eh,Pela ambella templa elha eh,Pela ambella templa elha eh!
The compasses crystal lights up blinding everybody
My light will lead you into forgotten realms which will glow brightest when you move in the proper direction
Gabbie:so its like hot and cold
Alex:exactly like that
Andrea grabs the compass and starts moving it around the green room in which its not even glowing
Andrea:lets go towards the hallway
Y/n:its glowing brighter
So we start following the compass around doing a little hot and cold situation in which i am freezing but anyway we go down the back steps to the backyard.
Y/n:wait theres a person
Alex grabs hold of my hand and i look up at him to see his cheeks a little bit rosier than before.I intertwine our fingers and we step into this foggy area with the rest of the group
Andrea:shh shh who is that?
We find this woman with horns doing magic just a few feet in front of us
Joey:Shut up
Syrine:The heroes of our prophecy have arrived
Y/n:what do you need our help for
Syrine:our world has been cursed and we need your help
Joey:ok how can we help?
Syrine:the once newly ice witch has obtained a gem in which gave her great power
Andrea:thats the gem we need
Joey:yea we need that gem
Syrine:to seek her you will need to find the unquenchable fire which lies on the path of betrayal to get to the path you will need to find the talisman but wait two evil harpies guard the talisman and will rip you too shreds if you don't have a great warrior be your side
Tyler:wait Liza got killed by a harpie
Syrine:He was such a great warrior
She said pointing too an ice sculpture of a human
Syrine:the last spell in my book has the power to reverse the ice witch's curse and free him
She walks away and Joey flips to the next page
Alex:she said the last spell
Alex said while dragging me too the group
To dispell a curse you will need tears from a fairy and the moss kings scepter.Both lie here,hidden in the woods
So we all venture off into the woods and try to find this scepter and a little vile of fairy tears.
Alex:fairy tears would be pretty small
Joey:wait i found this flute made out of wood
Play the notes to summon the fairy
Gabbie:oh i played the flute in 4th grade so 2nd 4th 5th
Andrea:now play
He plays the notes and me hear a fairy's voice speak to us
Fairy:you called?
Y/n:yes we need your tears
Fairy:What?! Thats absurd you going to use them for evil doings
Y/n:No we need it to reverse a curse
Fairy:ok i'll help you but first you must make me laugh
Alex:what makes you laugh
Fairy:figure it out
Andrea:uh anyone got any jokes
Alex:oh i have one
Joey:say it
Alex:what did the blanket say when it fell off the bed?!
Alex:oh sheet!
Everyone starts laughing but the fairy doesn't , she just pursed her lips and looked bored kinda
Gabbie:ok i have comedy they say don't sweat the small stuff thats why i got rid of my ex-boyfriend
Nobody laughs as Gabbie finishes and i can tell the fairy is not entertained
Tana:try twerking
Joey:ok somebody hold my legs
Gabbie:i got you
So Joey starts twerking and i feel like this Fairy is never gonna laugh
Y/n:she's not laughing
Tyler:should we get ratchet like we were getting?
Tana:yes say the spell
So we all circle up with me and Gabbie in the middle and we start saying the spell as we twerk and dance as horrible as we can.The fairy starts laughing on the ground like its the most funniest things ever so once she's done she puts her tears in a little vile and she puts it in the palm of my hand
Fairy:there you go dear now go do your good deed
Y/n:thanks so much
So we run off and stand in front of the statue again
Alex:wait we're missing the scepter
Joey:your right!
Ugh these damn objects.I want to go home to my little brother and mom so much but i can't until the sorceress is taken down.I'm looking in tree's,bushes,flowers and i finally find it in the moss
Y/n:guys i found it in the moss!
I yell to the others.We once again stand in front of the statue and put the scepter at its feet while sprinkling the tears on his eyes.We say another spell and next thing i know this man with barely any clothes on comes charging towards us with an axe in his hands.I immediately run backwards and bump into Tyler causing me to fall on my ass.
Warrior:you have freed me i am in your debt
Joey:can you help us kill the ice witch
Warrior:i will help you

Died or saved?alex x readerWhere stories live. Discover now