Full moon slaughter

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Joey's pov:
The groups just waiting until something happens and we all know its not gonna be good.I'm watching Y/n cling to Alex and i just want them to confess to each other.Its just so freakin cute and i'm pretty sure the others know also.
Alex's pov:
Joey is staring me down right now but i don't even care all my mind is focusing on is Y/n right now.She hasn't moved for like 15 minutes but she's talking so she isn't asleep.
Y/n:I'm so scared
Alex:don't be i've got your back
She started to twirl my hair with her finger as Alison walked up to us
Alison:It is now midnight
Tyler:guys lets be prepared for anything
Suddenly theres banging on the lounge door and we see a man trying to get in.Y/n gripped me tighter but i had to go see if he needed help.
Andrea:No Alex!
Joey screamed as he banged on the door more.Me being Me I just opened the door and he came running in.Everyone was thinking like what is he doing here,why is he freaking out so much
Man:my son please you gotta go help my son
Alison:where's your son?
Man:in the middle of camp we were hitchhiking and got attacked by a werewolf on the side of the road!
Joey:hold up a werewolf!
Man:yes if he doesn't get help then the transformation is gonna kill him now PLEASE HELP!
Tyler:do we get anything in return?
Man:if you help my son then i'll give you this
He holds out the next gem in his hand and immediately we all say
Group:we'll help you
Alison:here its dark so you'll need lanterns
She gives us the lanterns and we all follow this dude but then he starts coughing?
Andrea:why is he coughing a lot i don't like this
it was dark and foggy,we could barely see anything with these lanterns.
Man:I'm fine
Joey:Wait guys i found this lockbox
Y/n:look for keys or a combination
Tyler:does it need keys?
Joey:Yea it does
We start looking but we can't find anything.Boy is this gonna be a long night
Y/n's pov:
Ok so apparently we're helping this sketchy mans son before he turns into a werewolf and honestly if he turns into Taylor Lautner then that'll be fine with me.The group is looking for these keys but we can't find any.i'm looking in trees,Plants,Alex is lifting me up to look in high places but theres
He puts me down and i hear glass shatter.Turns out its just Joey throwing pots and smashing them.
Joey:Ugh why can't i find anything-oh wait GUYS i found one in the fountain
Joey:right here
He grabs a key at the bottom of the fountain and unlocks one of the locks on the box.1 down 2 more to find
Tyler:found one in the pot
Andrea:good job Tyler and Joey
2 down 1 more to go now.I was looking and looking and looking until-
I unlock the last lock and it says something about this butch guy and how we need to go to the front of the estate to find quicksilver
Joey:are you butch?
Atticus:No my names Atticus
So like any person in a horror movie we walk towards where the note said to go.We see a carriage and its like thats our way out and we don't need to work for the sorceress anymore
Joey:guys get in i'll pull this frickin thing for us
Andrea:Wait theres the quicksilver in here guys
Y/n:and another chest that needs a combination this time
We get out of the stage coach and put the chest on the ground.Another note said how some of us need to go into the forest and the rest of us would go into the greenhouse.All this just to find a lock combination,that's ridiculous
Joey:me,Y/n,and Tyler will go into the forest while you two go to the greenhouse
Andrea:ok beware of werewolves
Man:She's right werewolves roam the area's and if you get caught you will be slaughter to death if not saved
Alison:i will stay here with Atticus to make sure the werewolves don't catch him
Joey's pov:
We go into the woods and i'm fricken terrified but i need to get this lock combo open so i can get the fuck out of here.
Tyler:more people are going to die and i don't want it to be me
Y/n:i mean me either i made an oath to Alex that he would get out of here even if it means sacrificing myself
Joey:You know before Atticus came i was watching yalls and it was adorable
Tyler:yea me too why don't you confess?
Y/n:i'm a pussy when it comes to that stuff though
Tyler:so you can deal with all of this but you can't get a boyfriend
Y/n:theres a difference
So Tyler almost walks into a trap but we find a note next to some silver bullets.We saw a werewolf so we quickly hid and it howled before running on all fours.We count the number of bullets
Joey:10 no wait 11
Tyler:which one is it hunny
Joey:11 sorry i mis-counted
Y/n:you mis-counted 3 times?
Joey:yes i did
Y/n:so our number is 11!
-Alex's pov:
   I go to the greenhouse with Andrea and we start looking everywhere
Andrea:is it in the pots?
We start lifting pots but a werewolf comes in so we hide with the pots.He quickly jumps onto the table above me and Andrea and Howls before leaving to the woods.We see this box thing and so i pull a string but the string breaks
Alex:was the supposed to happen?
Andrea:i don't think so!?
Alex:i have to get up there
Andrea:what are you going to do if a werewolf comes?!
Alex:i'll be quick
So i hop up on the table and quickly open the box on the ceiling.a bunch of wooden balls come flying down.Me and Andrea search through them and find one with the number 27 on it.We run back to the group and the group gets back together right around the same time.the three numbers are 27 from the greenhouse,11 from the forest,and 13 from the base.We try splitting the numbers,We tried the same method backwards but nothings working
Y/n's pov:
Y/n:Wait guys split each number down the middle
Tyler:yes so one lock is 211 and the other is 713
Joey:Oh my god guys you are geniuses
Andrea:it worked!
Tyler:heres the wolfsbane
Atticus:now that we have everything follow me to my son
So we follow him to his son and this poor boy has a big gash out of his arm.
Atticus:we're gonna fix you up son your gonna get better don't worry
Tyler:alright how do we mix this
Y/n:yea Atticus help us
So me and Tyler hand Atticus the stuff but he backs off and didn't want to even touch it
Andrea:wait why won't he touch it
Joey:thats sketchy
Atticus:i need water i'll be right back fix up my son please
So he leaves and Tyler mixes this real quick while Joey puts the mixture on this boys arm.He screams bloody murder and i slap my hand over his mouth
Tyler:quiet the werewolf's can find us
Boy:i don't think my father has shared his new condition with you yet
Group:what do you mean?
We hear a growl and we see Atticus in werewolf form ready to eat us all
Alison:Atticus you promised us if we fix your son you'd give us the gem
Atticus:No deal!
Soon more werewolf's come and surround us.The groups all huddled behind Alison and she's hissing at all the werewolf's
Joey:wait i think we have to vote soon
Atticus:there is no vote everyone will run the gauntlet
Tyler:wait theres No vote!?
Alison:then i'm taking this as promised
She rips the gem out of his hand and he lets her have it
Atticus:on my howl everyone will run through the obstacles and the last one out will be devoured
Y/n:oh my god i'm scared
He howls and i zoom past everyone.At first i'm in the lead when i go through the army crawl with Andrea behind me but as soon as i get out of the crawl Alex and Andrea zoom past me.Next is this A-frame climb.I'm in third place while Tyler is in last but i have no time to help him.I get over by these heavy bags of rocks and immediately once i pick it up i almost topple over because of how heavy it is.I get through the pain in my back and run up the stairs as i am now in last place.I drop the bag and start throwing rocks at this bottle but i can't seem to hit it.Everyones bottle breaks and i'm behind Andrea.By a mere inch she beats me and that means i'm dead i'm gonna get eaten by werewolves
Y/n:guys i tried i'm sorry
Alison:your gonna get out of this alive trust me
Alex:y/n come here
I hug him so tightly and he rubs my back.I grip the gem in my hand that Alison gave me.I let go and i open his hand while putting the gem in his palm.I can hear Alison trying to fight off the werewolves and i can't stand it anymore.I look up from Alex's palm to his face.I grab the collar of his button down and Smash my lips onto his.We kiss for a good 30 seconds before i pull away.
Y/n:i'm sorry i love you so much Alex
I say as a tear rolls down my cheek.I peck his lips once more as i get grabbed from behind.I get thrown to the ground and feel blood pour from my stomach.I start screaming bloody murder then i see darkness
Alex's pov:
She's gone,She just got torn to shreds.I cry as i run into the hallway with the others.The elevator dings and we see this demon looking thing come out of the doors.Everyone screams as we see this thing start to chase us down the hallway.We run until we're on the balcony outside.

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