Nations divided

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Y/n's pov:
Gabbie:I'M HUNGRY!
I roll my eyes as the boys discuss what the next symbol means
Alex:it looks like an axe and a gun
Y/n:are we fighting each other?
Alison:i found this at the step of the doorstep at the start of the night
She gives the flyer to Joey and its some sort of propaganda flyer.Some of the text is bolded in Red so after Joey is done reading i tell him to read just the red text
Joey:the key to the helm of obedience behind a terrifying face
I then point to a painting of a face and Alex helps me take the painting out of the frame.We see a key to the green room,whatever room that is and as we were walking down the hall we heard a demon like voice start saying "this way" in its creepy voice so of course as a natural reaction we all screamed.Alex immediately clang to me and i laughed as he was screaming like a little girl.We go to the green room and find a chest with a lock.
Andrea:wait Joey give me the key
She gets handed the key by Joey and unlocks the chest to find the helm of obedience sitting at the bottom with a note talking about the helm.
Gabbie:ok i can't wear it because of this thing
Gesturing towards her headpiece..I suddenly get an idea and Alex was not gonna like it
Andrea:ok then who's gonna wear it
Y/n:i will since Andrea doesn't think i've done anything so far
Alex:No No No
Y/n:Alex i have to prove myself
I put on the helm and it immediately says
Hello Y/n
Y/n:AH its talking to me!
You must follow my instructions without fail or your life will be forfit
I repeat what the voice said to the group
Do you understand
Y/n:do you understand
Y/n:yes I understand pushy much
Tyler:you probably shouldn't insult it
Tell your friends to follow you
Y/n:o-ok follow me
Alex:all of us?
Walk down the hallway
We walk down the hall toward the front door
Walk up the stairs alone
Y/n:stay here stay here
Tyler:be careful
I make it toward the top of the stairs i probably look crazy but i'm not i'm just terrified
Walk forward and you will see a case on the floor
The others are yelling at me so i yell back
Tana:What's happening!
Y/n:i don't know
Open the case
Y/n:oh my god guys!
You can handle this hahahahah
I pick up the gun and start walking down the stairs with my shaky breaths following me
Point the gun at your friends
I point the gun towards them while they try to reason with me
You cannot hesitate with this next action or your life will be over do you understand
I nod my head slowly but surely as it speaks again
I want you to open the door and step out onto the porch and shoot the first man you see
I point the gun down towards the floor and walk out onto the porch.A man start running toward me so i shoot him dead
Take the bugle from his side
I take the bugle and go back inside
Go to the back of the Foyer and stand before the outside door and put the gun down
I drop the gun on the floor and go to the back of the foyer
Take off the helmet and blow the bugle Goodbye Y/n
I take the helm off and go to the back foyer.I quickly blow the bugle and then we hear canons go off and everyones freaking out Tyler is screaming like a little girl again,Joey is also screaming,and i think Gabbie pissed her pants.We look out to the balcony and see two army like men face each other.They look over in through the door and see us and i'm not about to get killed so i hide behind a pillar.Alison opens the door exposing us even more and then we walk outside
Alex:Wait he has a gem
Cash:oh you want this
Y/n:yep what else would we want
He walks up to me with his gun to my chest
Cash:Well your gonna have to fight for it
Gabbie:can you just give it to us maybe
Cash:The team that loses this here skirmish one of them gonna have to die
Then they make us pick teams.
Captain of the dark army:Joey
Captain of confederates:DeStorm
I am just hoping that Joey picks me at this point
Its down to me and Tana left and Joey picks Tana which means i'm on DeStorms team without Alex to help me not punch him SQUARE IN THE FACE
We get our arm bands and we go down the steps and to the backyard.We face each other and i look at Alex he looks at me with worry.I mouth "its ok" to him before Cash shoots his gun signaling us to go.I run around in the other territory when i find a peg thats a COLOR OF A STICK A DAMN STICK I SAY.I put it in our box then go back over to see Gabbie and Joey wrestling on the ground but i jump over them quickly tripping myself.I braced myself to face-plant but my face never hits the ground.A pair of arms caught me and as i open my eyes i see Alex
Alex:i couldn't let you get hurt again but i will be taking this
As he rips my band off i run to try to distract them.He catches up and carries me up the steps...As soon as my time is up and i'm by the stairs i hear Joey say that the box had opened and i see the team go up the stairs.They pull the canon and their team leader grabs our this point i think i know who i'm up against.My team meets them up there and then Joey says
Joey:ok we won can we have the gem now
Cash:now i said one of you losers are gonna have to die to get this..Two people are gonna have to face off loser gets sacrificed to the firing squad
Joey:ok guys lets step inside and vote
We all step inside and it feels almost immediately me and DeStorm find each others eyes
Y/n:i think we all know who so i might just say this now
I raise my hand and say
Y/n:I volunteer
DeStorm:i do too
Joey:Ok i guess that settles that
We go back outside onto the balcony overlooking the pool and me and DeStorm move more forward than the others
Alex:don't let him win Y/n
Y/n:i won't
Cash:i knew it would be you two lowlifes...You want this don'tcha
He takes the gem out of his satchel thingy and throws it into the pool..I look over the ledge and there is thousands of gems in the pool
Cash:first person to get the gem out of the pool keeps it and lives,the other is sacrificed
He shoots his gun again and me and DeStorm rush through the halls taking off our clothes.As soon as i get out there i left DeStorm in the dust and i dived straight into the pool
Y/n:ugh i can't see anything
DeStorm:me either
They give us old victorian goggles in which i still can't see
Y/n:The goggles keep filling up with water
Alex shouts as loud as he can i hold them to my face and while i'm under water they give DeStorm new goggles so i come up for air as they pass me new ones too.
I got out of the pool and look from atop i dive back in the pool and while DeStorm is searching the shallow end i go all the way down because the gem might of rolled down.
Alex's pov:
I watch Y/n dive back into the pool and i'm just thinking that she has to win this.I would never forgive myself it i let her die from DeStorm.Moments later she pops out of the water with her fist in the air screaming "i found it".She lets Cash examine it and he says
Cash:the gem is yours
They haul DeStorm out of the pool and put him near the edge.They fire the arrow and he falls back into the pool but all i can think about is her victory,My crush and bestfriend Y/n's victory.We all go back to the lounge and we see Y/n come in i jump straight up and hug her while picking her up.I put her down and she puts the gem inside the holder.4 more gems to go

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