The Dark Demension

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Joey's pov:
I feel so bad for Alex.Y/n just died in front of him and we can't even mourn her.We're on the balcony in front of the lounge and we see this statue in front of us.We find out that we have to copy the picture that was on the statue and say some summoning ritual words so you know like any normal person would do we said the ritual words and the statues eyes glow.Andrea pulls out a note and it says we need to we need to find the twin idols but to find the first one we need to call hell.
Tyler:hold on we need to call hell
Alex:just to get an idol
Joey:thats bogus
Alex:wait we're here so according to this we need to go down here
So we follow where Alex pointed to and find a telephone booth.Tyler goes in and picks up the phone and this voice speaks through the phone
Telephone billet number please
Telephone billet number please
Joey:wait we don't have it we don't have it we don't have it!
Andrea:Whats that?
We find a box with a note on it saying we need to find demons blood,drink it,do a ritual but whilst all that is happening someone needs to distract the devourer so he doesn't kill us.
Joey:i wanna find the stuff
Tyler:i wanna find the stuff also
Andrea:i wanna find the stufff
Alex:so i'm the decoy!
Andrea:your so fast
Tyler:your the fastest
He goes near the devourer and takes a deep breath.I hear him mutter something
Alex:this is for you Y/n
And he goes inside and the demon chases him up the stairs.We go inside into the lounge and we just start going crazy with the sulfur.We keep putting one in and nothing is making it and Tyler were searching bottles upon bottles while Andrea finds all the glasses and candles around the room.i find the bottle and take a swig of it.It was a vile taste.
We hear Alex scream from the background.
Joey:oh god Alex got taken we got to hurry
Tyler:he's back guys hide hide hide
Tyler hides behind some curtains while me and Andrea slip outside onto the porch.
Joey:one of us has to distract him so we can get Tyler
Andrea:i aint going in there but i'll distract him through the windows
Joey:thats fine
So Andrea starts tapping the window and the demon starts following her.Bad decision of hers to lead him towards the curtains that Tyler is hiding behind.
Tyler:you guys!AH
I jump out to try and distract the demon so Tyler can escape and it worked
Joey:over here hey!
The devourer chases after me and Tyler gets outside before i do.So now Andrea is safe to go and distract the demon.While she distracts him me and Tyler go and finish the ritual we were doing before.
Joey:Andrea needs to drink some of this still
Tyler:so what if we lock him inside the library
Andrea:guys he's so fast i have him in a room
Tyler:take a drink sweetie
She takes a sip and and a box opens.We get this crystal thing and run outside.Alex suddenly appears and we fill him in on everything while we go to the phone booth.
Telephone billet number please
Telephone billet number please
Tyler: sanctum regnum
(A:n,i don't know how to spell it so lets just say that what i put is correct)
Telephone billet number please
Tyler:sanctum regnum
Telephone billet number please
Joey:that's obviously not it
Alex:wait is the number in where the demon is locked in
Andrea:oh my god Alex is right
Tyler:we locked him in the library
Joey:Alex can you distract him again
Alex:why do i have to do it again
Tyler:your the fastest once we get the number one of us will shout and you just sprint outside
He goes back inside and unlocks the library door.The demon immediately chases him and we look for the code inside drawers and ontop of the desk.We find it inside the drawer and we scream while running outside and we meet up with Alex.
Telephone billet number please
Connecting you now
  There was a long pause until we hear a deep voice
Hell:What do you seek
Joey:uh the twin idol
Tyler:the twin idol
Joey:of the cursed god
Tyler:the twin idols of the cursed god
Hell:What will you give me in return
Tyler:oh i'll give you Sanctum Regum
Hell:the twin idol with make all who seek it go crazy hahahaha
Then this drawer popped open in front of Tyler,it was a note saying to look in dark deep waters so we go over to the pool side and see a chest at the bottom.Andrea decides to go on the ledge and pull it out and she brings it to us.There was another note on the chest about looking inside the mouth of a beast.We see a light appear behind us so we go where the light is
Joey:ew oh my god thats a beast if i've ever seen one.
We all take turns sticking our hands in the mouth but we can't find nothing until Alex finds a bag with a key inside.We go back to the chest and find one of the twin idols inside so now we have both
Jetpack girl:Hey come on inside
Joey:Its jetpack girl
We follow her inside and we walk into the lounge
Jetpack girl:i think that demon is scared of those
Joey:so lets put one at the entrance to keep him out
So i put my idol at the entrance
Jetpack girl:now in order to enter the dark dimension we have to vote
Tyler:i say lets put in our own names our groups to trusting to vote one another in
Alex:i agree
So we do exactly that
Jetpack girl:Andrea
Andrea:oh god
Jetpack girl:and Alex
Jetpack girl:you must choose a partner
Andrea:well we've worked together before so Tyler
Alex:and i obviously choose Joey
Jetpack girl:i'll take you to the entrance bring the idols
We take the twin idols and follow jetpack girl to the entrance and she leaves.There was a book and a note saying to leave nothing untouched and that there was a note upon our return so we use the idols and see the portal open and man standing letting us through.We walk in and immediately rush over to piles of things and breaking them open.I stomp on a couple of bodies but theres nothing.I can't see anything it feels like we're gonna be in here for a while
No one's pov:
Joey and Alex take one side of the room while Andrea and Tyler take the other.Their all stomping on wood and skulls and breaking open candles and boxes.To no Avail theres nothing.
Alex:maybe its out in the open
A skull hit the ground and something pops out of the head.A hand picks it up
Andrea:i found it i found it!
She hugs Tyler while Alex walks over to the group.The man then walks towards Alex and grabs him viscously and hauls him to the ground taking out his dagger and piercing it right through the mans skin.Blood spurring from the chest and the man coughing up blood from his mouth.He is soon dead and the others rush out of the dimension grabbing the book and running towards the lounge.They put the gem in put they seem to be missing one
Joey:it was the ice witch we never got the gem
Andrea:wait didn't we have to read something when we got back
The note said something about wizards so the three think back to who they met
Andrea:wasn't sireen a wizard
Tyler:yes she was
Joey:does the compass open-wait oh my god it does
Andrea:did we have the whole time
Joey:we did we had it the whole time
He says revealing the hidden gem and making it known.He puts it in the slot and the doors pop open revealing the crown of oblivion

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