||°~ The Beginning ~°||

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(B/N) - Bishop Name

(F/C) - favorite color

(A/S)- Animal specie

Pronouns: they/them by default


Summary: The reader is half human, a surprise to those who are usually animals. in this story, Lambert is not brought to the god of death, but rather to the god of life


Clauneck hummed as silence took over them and the five bishops who sit in front of him, all eager to hear his answer.
How can he describe you? the prophecy of the foretold a true god of life itself. 

Shamura would easily look into the future to see but they insisted that they get the answer from someone who can give them the knowledge of their new sibling coming to arrive to lands of The Old Faith. they had decided that it would be a pleasant surprise to hear the future from an old friend of the bishop siblings.

Clauneck, seemingly lost in thought, not knowing how to answer their questions of what you'd be like, as their tarot cards have told them of what you'd be..

You, are by far the most different everyone has seen. only having "fur" on the top of your head, paws, legs, and tail. your torso, face, and upper arms all seeming to only be covered by soft flesh of skin and bone. you were a special one indeed.

Clauneck knows that the bishops are ever so patient of his answer, he finally lets out a little light-hearted laugh as they turned a tarot card around, showing your figure and telling them of your arrival.

You were coming today, as a little bae 

all five seem to be rather excited of the answer, very happy to hear that you'd be coming very soon.

Clauneck then would have a slight frown, they clear their throat, catching the attention of others. 
"I can feel Fate's hand on the cards this rather interesting night....yes, the bishop is of different species than us all, more fragile and brittle than all...only to be fueled by their determination to balance all life...yes, a different breed will arrive..." he says as he draws the second card, showing your figure and how easy you are to break. 

how easy you are to be killed, a fragile soul to arrive on The lands of the old faith...

The five bishops look in shock and concern, normally they'd mock those who are weaker but for ones they will welcome in for their family, it simply cannot be that you are to not be protected at all costs!

Clauneck seems amused by these reactions, before turning the third and final card, the card that showed your mercy, your forgiveness, your heart filled with gold and humbility.

"(B/N), they are called, bringing peace and prosperity to all of the lands of this world. as true god of life, they are ever so patient and intelligent in their realm" Clauneck says, all nod in unision, though worry still filling their minds, they were still curious of the news they bare to hold, a great news to their followers of a new bishop.

Shamura takes a look at the final card, they felt the warmth. finally, they used their future vision to see your paths. 
All they saw was warmth, joy, happiness, a realm filled with love and nature. 

Truly, you are of a different god than them, more merciful than them. it would make sense, you are life after all, it is part of your duty to give warmth and comfort to those in your humble abode.

They return the tarot card and stood up, nodding to their old friend. "Thank you, Clauneck. we appreciate your readings to us all, now we must prepare for their arrival and celebrate". ever the wise, Shamura turned to go ahead and prepare their realm to look extravagant for you.

the others stood up and bowed to pay respect to the tarot reader and left to go prepare their realms as well.

Narinder followed behind Shamura, feeling a bit unease of how fragile you are told to be...he wonders how fragile you actually are. Shamura notices and gives a soft pat to his back.

"Worry not, young brother of mine, I'm sure (B/N) will be strong, we shall watch over them and guide them away from the same mistakes we made in our past" they tell to him, ever the wiser as always. Narinder now feels quite eased from the comforting words of his elder sibling.

The five bishops huddled together at the center of their joined temple, whispering of what they should do for your arrival and thinking of how your realm would look before they all agreed to welcome you in warm arms and went back to their realms. 

oh how excited they all were for your upcoming arrival


Author's note: this was sort of rushed and a bit lazy but I have exams coming up, while waiting, enjoy reading this chapter!

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